MAGA Fans Are Now Carrying Around Fake JD Vance Semen Cups To Mock Infertile Families

MAGA Fans Are Now Carrying Around Fake JD Vance Semen Cups To Mock Infertile Families

Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. So, they don’t believe in IVF or any kind of fertility intervention. But, fake semen in a cup is supposed to repre…oh, never mind. I’m not going to try to figure out what is going on in these creepy culties’ minds.

  2. What in the psychopathic fuck?
    These men get off on carrying their struggle-jizz around?
    I mean, if they don’t like the “weird” moniker, this isn’t the way to challenge it.

  3. Diapers, fake semen. Totally not a cult.

    Deplorables? Yes. Mentally unwell cultists? Absolutely.

  4. They are disgusting. This is the same party pushing Project 2025 and the Christo-taliban way of life.

  5. I think they are insulting Walz about a frat rumor and of all things they insult people on I’d think sexual stuff be last on mama’s list considering their candidates histories

  6. …of all the things that they could have picked up. Why that? It’s so…utterly bizarre. It makes no sense.

  7. His wife scrapes it off the couch and sells it along with jars of pickled mountain dew.

  8. “We are not the weird ones” says the only side obsessed with bathrooms, people’s genitals, tampons and bodily fluids.

  9. I hate to bandwagon calling them weird but I can’t think of another, more accurate description. Just really weird people.

  10. Imagine trying to explain to your Grandfather or great grandfather why you are carrying around a sippy cup that is supposed to be full of another man’s cum. Literally the degeneracy they would have been against.

  11. There really is no level of weird that is too extreme that these…people… won’t stoop just to pick up a little power is there?

  12. Add this cum-pletely sophomoric episode to the fact that RFK Jr. is probably going to end his campaign and hop on the Trump train, you then have completed the circle jerk that is and always will be MAGA.

  13. When your most visible constituent is proudly showing off what purports to be a to-go cup of JD Vance’s semen, your political party is pretty much over.

  14. These losers are carrying around cups of fake semen but think OTHER people are the ones who should feel embarrassed?

    Well, it’s certainly a choice, I’ll give them that…

  15. These people are pure trash. The cruelty is the point. Make them all suffer whenever you can. Shun them.

  16. They look so proud, carrying around their little semen cups.

    Future: “Hey, you remember that election with the old felon and you guys were carrying around semen cups and wearing diapers and carrying flags saying ‘F*ck your Feelings’ while crying about crowd sizes and ratings and showing what gullible annoying a-holes you could be? Good times. Good times.”

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