Trump Posts Absolutely Disgusting Video About Kamala Harris, This Time Complete With a Vile Sexual Reference

Trump Posts Absolutely Disgusting Video About Kamala Harris, This Time Complete With a Vile Sexual Reference

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. I’m sure this is lost on Republicans, but things like this makes Trump look bad, not Harris

  2. “Oh. Hmm. I was voting for Harris. But this video changed it all for me. I will proudly tell my 8 year old beautiful dark skinned niece I voted for Trump because of this video. Hurr hurr.” /s. What a disgusting piece of shit. He has absolutely nothing to be proud of in his entire shit stain existence. Fuck him.

  3. There’s no limit to how low he will go. He’s spent his entire life at that below normal society and spiraling downward.

  4. Rapey Don: “Kamelabamamama had… had it coming! She is vile… nasty! Disgusting! Wait… am I talking about *me* again? No, that’s reich: I’m King, not Queen! I love you all.”

  5. MMW: magats will use Obama’s subtle “crowd size” dick joke to whatabout/justify this.

  6. Trump sure is sweating to have this election bought already. There are still a lot of uncertainties for him or he wouldn’t be melting down over Harris.

  7. Why doesn’t he parody Nugent/Kid Rock songs? Oh, nobody remembers them. I hope Alanis sues.

  8. Trump’s behavior just keeps hitting new lows. Sharing a video like this isn’t just distasteful it’s downright vile. It’s sad to see political discourse devolve into this kind of trash. Instead of focusing on real issues, it seems like the strategy is to just keep slinging mud. Pretty disgusting, honestly.

  9. Trump is down on his knees sucking Putin’s cock. He has no other talents or experience.

  10. Conservative for Harris here, Trump has made me ashamed to even have the association, and I’m not the only one either, my traditionalist red state has more and more people asking about Harris, I’ve even heard her called ‘hardhat Harris because they know they she get the job done. The walls are closing in on Trump. I estimate his entire campaign will collapse in two more weeks. Vote 💙 

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