The first day

The first day

Posted by Proteus61

  1. “BUT ITS AI!”

    Me: Watching Hasanabi’s livestream showing exactly the same thing.

  2. I just know that the MAGAts will be crying foul after the election. I’m sure the election does get rigged in places — because somehow with fewer voters, conservatives tend to win all across the country. They have a greater percentage of representation than a share of the vote — so vote suppression does work. And the fact that some of the same corporations own voting systems as invest in Heritage — that should worry some people. Maybe someone should look into that.

    Just remind them of crowd size when the Republicans lose. Not that it will change their minds or anything,.. just, it will be something to point to; “Hey, look at that huge crowd there supporting Trump”


    But you gone. Go stealth mode and slip away…

  3. Funny in JUST read an article from USA Today asking why there were so many empty seats.

  4. “It’s because they bring popular musicians to the conventions everyone left after…” 🤷‍♂️ they stayed from what I saw

  5. Trump will be beside himself with angry envy at the size of these crowds that Harris and the DNC are pulling with ease 😂

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