Burning oil depot in Rostov region, day 4 – Russians apply holy damage buff to water.

by Zealousideal-Menu276

  1. They pray for the ships that are at the bottom of the Black Sea. They went to fill up with water to put out the fires. 12D Chess Game

  2. “We don’t know who struck first, us or them, but we know that it was us that scorched the sky..”

  3. Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!

    Consult the Book of Armaments!
    Armaments, chapter two
    Verses nine to twenty-one
    And Saint Attila raised the hand
    Grenade up on high, saying
    “O Lord, bless this Thy hand
    Grenade that, with it
    Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to
    Tiny bit’s in Thy mercy”
    And the Lord did grin
    And the people did feast upon the lambs
    And sloths and carp and anchovies
    And orangutans and breakfast
    Cereals and fruit bats and large chu –
    Skip a bit, Brother
    And the Lord spake, saying, “First shalt thou
    Take out the Holy Pin then
    Shalt thou count to three no more no less
    Three shalt be the number thou shalt count
    And the number of
    The counting shall be three four
    Shalt thou not count
    Nor either count thou two
    Excepting that thou then proceed to
    Three five is right out
    Once the number three, being the third
    Number, be reached, then
    Lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of
    Antioch towards thy foe, who, being
    Naughty in My sight, shall snuff it”

  4. I mean sure, that relic has a +2 against fire damage but its like a 20 second cool down and it nerfs your dexterity. Probably better to smother it with those robes.

  5. You read about this sort of ridiculous religious ceremony stuff taking place in fantasy books. But here it is in real life…

  6. I think the problem of the Russians is that they are playing D&D and the Ukrainians playing battlefield.

  7. It has to fail. Everyone knows that you need high intelligence stats to cast spells.
    Unfortunately, they don’t gain enough experience to even get a level up in the first place.

    But let them try. Hope is the last thing that dies.

  8. Is this the roughly ruSSian equivalent approach of “pray away the gay” ??

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