Just like all of Donnie’s other business ventures.

Just like all of Donnie’s other business ventures.

Posted by 8-bit-Felix

  1. > Trump, who owns about 60% of Trump Media, **is expected to be able to start selling shares as soon as Sept. 20**, when a lockup period barring insiders from selling shares is lifted. **So will his co-founders**, Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss, both former contestants on The Apprentice, as well as Patrick Orlando, whose fund, ARC Global Investments II LLC, sponsored the SPAC that merged with Trump Media.

    Who wants to bet that $DJT will be delisted by the end of September?

  2. No way a trump business is failing!!! He bankrupted casinos where the house always wins…no way! Way…

  3. Wondering what the longevity is of a stock/company that relies on a 78yr old obese/overweight man staying alive?

  4. The guy has run everywhere business into the the ground, taken the profits and moved them into the his family trust and moved on. It’s a completely viable business model, it just sucks for the people whom work for him and end up with nothing.

    It’s the only business model he knows.

    This is the business model he’ll apply to the country if he was President: maximize short term profits, build debt, declare bankruptcy, walk sway.

    Why would you want that for the USA if you loved your country?

  5. Wait until next month when the “locked-up” shareholders finally get to sell, it’s going straight into the shitter.

  6. Saudis no longer propping him up now that it looks unlikely he’ll ever get back in power.

  7. Good. Hope it tanks his follower’s finances and then it’ll be really ironic when they can’t get government assistance because the politicians they voted in were against it.

    Maybe they will all move to Russia.

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