An Iron Curtain in the Sahel

An Iron Curtain in the Sahel
byu/Alarmed_Mistake_9999 ingeopolitics

Posted by Alarmed_Mistake_9999

1 comment
  1. Submission Statement: The Anti-Western Juntas in West Africa came to power thanks to the corruption of pro-Western regimes and widespread old-school “anti-imperialist” popular resientment. Into the vacuum has of course come Russia, which backs up these regimes in an extremely unequal relationship that costs Russia little but gains much in the realm of humilating the West and accessing Russia unlimited resources.

    Ultimately, these regimes are weak and more violence is inevitable, with the Russians’ brutal tactics guaranteed to make everything worse. Europe needs to find new trade routes for its resources and has no choice but to use illiberal tactics to prevent apocalyptic levels of migration. It seems entrenched hatred of the US and France in West Africa outweighs what the West would deem rational considerations.

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