Harris Crushes Trump Among Key Voters in Stunning New Poll

Harris Crushes Trump Among Key Voters in Stunning New Poll


Posted by thenewrepublic

  1. >Harris has surpassed Trump by a whopping 32 points among 18- to 29-years-olds living in seven battleground states as of Tuesday, according to polling from Voters of Tomorrow.

  2. Doesn’t mean anything if wr don’t all vote. Dems are enjoying these poll numbers but we can’t get complacent like in 2016.


    Bring friends.

  3. Vote! We are still underdogs, they will cheat, and we need to remind them how far they need to be buried below ground for the destruction on Democracy and the embarrassment they have brought upon us.

  4. Now, all we need to do is go out and vote for Harris and Walz to make this victory a reality.

    Edit: Rephrased.

  5. It’s young voters.

    Young voters. Please go vote. Please get your friends to vote. 

    If you know younger people, do your best to get them interested and encourage them to vote. 

    Also, check your registration now and often. Fuckery is abound in some states. 


  6. We can gloat and rub it in Trump’s big flabby orange face after Kamala is elected, first go VOTE.

  7. A bunch of brainwashed college kids that are looking for their college to be paid for by the taxpayer. Sounds like a democratic vote to me.

  8. Trump is NOT QUALIFIED for the JOB. Not even close. He is currently severely cognitively impaired by dementia. Whatever other factors might affect this aside, Trump is way past doddering. He is mixing up people and events. He is losing the ability to pronounce words. He is unable to adjust his messaging from the past two elections he ran, which may be due to mid and short term memory problems.

    Harris should be killing it. She is the only qualified candidate for president running for the office.

    (RFK Jr. is not on the ballot in enough states to actually win yet.)

  9. We can gloat and rub it in Trump’s big flabby orange face after Kamala is elected, first go VOTE.

  10. Honestly the fact that 22% of this age group wants to vote for Trump despite having full access to all the information that is already out there is a little worrying.

  11. I hope she flushes him down the toilet of life. He’s one of the most worthless human beings on the face of the earth.

  12. Talk to everyone you encounter and encourage them to vote. Repair guys who come to the house? Medical professionals you see during treatment. The lawn guys who come every week. Neighbors. People you see at the grocery store deli counter. Checkout people. Not in a mean way—-just ask if they are planning on voting, etc.

  13. There’s always a convention bump. Historical evidence shows these polls are meaningless.

  14. Young voters? Don’t count on them actually voting. If they do, awesome, but Nixon won in 68 and 72 when they were supposedly having a counter culture revolution.

  15. Vote early. As early as you can and try to convince as many people as possible to do the same.

  16. Please let this cascade continue and the shitbag to devolve even further into hate and conspiracy to snowball it even faster.

  17. The poll was from the 21rst, during the convention, and it doesn’t matter which party the bump always follows the convention.

  18. Take all of these articles as if they’re all lies. Don’t assume the dems has this in the bag. Turn out and vote. Make plans for it now. Put in time off at work, whatever it takes to be ready on election day. Plan to be there.

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