MAGA Unravels as Trump’s Allies Defect in Droves: Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes Slams Trump, And The Far Right Accuses Him of Being a ‘Covert Democrat’ Working To Sabotage Campaign

MAGA Unravels as Trump’s Allies Defect in Droves: Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes Slams Trump, And The Far Right Accuses Him of Being a ‘Covert Democrat’ Working To Sabotage Campaign

MAGA Unravels as Trump’s Allies Defect in Droves: Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes Slams Trump, And The Far Right Accuses Him of Being a ‘Covert Democrat’ Working To Sabotage Campaign

Posted by newsjam

  1. Trump’s a RINO. That was not on my bingo card either. Damn I’m not doing good at this game.

  2. Was Fuentes asked to distance himself from the campaign to keep normal people from associating him with Trump.

  3. The MAGA emperor has no close and the fascist circular firing squad is getting hotter.

  4. Honestly Trump being secretly a democrat that wants to destroy the Republican party would be the obvious twist in a book. Surely this group would see the writing on the wall and change tactics so they can actually win right? So they will continue to exist? And not doing so is a secret ploy by their enemies so the other side can do anything by just being not their opponents. But in real life no. When someone shits themselves repeatedly in front of you and then gives a deranged blood curdling shriek about how much they hate everyone. It’s not a clever manipulation tactic. Their just telling you the truth and believe you already secretly agree with them. Then stumble like chickens when it turns out that no, you do not agree, and in fact will be actively supporting their opponents because your afraid of these psychos

  5. Trump use to support the Dems (under Bill Clinton), has totally thrown out all triditional GOP values and is single handely giving the Dems a full majority in the governemnt

    He is the origional RINO

  6. What was that thing Ladybugs said? Nominating Trump will destroy the Republican Party and we’ll deserve it?

  7. They want the power, they don’t need HIM. And he’d best be mindful of this. Sooner rather than later, that lust for power will promote his ‘allies’ to show him the door by whatever means necessary

  8. A long time adherent recently told me that calling someone maga is like using the n-word

  9. They have a point. If someone asked you what to do to kill the Republican party, you’d say nominate someone like trump

    Though now, to kill the Republican party I guess you’d need to pick someone who was an amazing Republican and they’d get roasted

    But to any MAGA reading this. Definitely happening. Vote against Don do you can get a true maga in there next time…

  10. Oh wow. My old high school friends who became Trumpers in their old age are gonna go apeshit crazy now.

  11. OH COME ON! Does no one else see what is right in front of their faces? Trump cooperated with the Democrats to have a record early debate with Biden so they would have an excuse to bring out Harris without anyone being able to contest it. Why do you think one of his own people tried to take him out? And now Trump is just babbling, giving the whole thing away. Of COURSE he is a covert Democrat. He was a Democrat before he was a Republican. He was pro-life. Bill and Hilary were at his wedding to Melania. He has cut a deal for his freedom from jail, and you are seeing it play out. Suckers.

    *this might be satire*

  12. Nobody wins with that ideology. Nobody but the last guy at the top. They’ve spooked each other too much now that EVERYBODY is a secret liberal plant to them.

    Look at how they called Rittenhouse trans when he said he wasn’t gonna support Trump. This is the reality they want. Legal witch hunts to anybody they don’t like. Transphobia and protecting kids is just the excuse.

    Disgusting cockroaches they are, no?

  13. Trump’s base is so fucked in the head, that anything less than being completely fucked in the head, to them, is fucked in the head.

    Also, don’t forget to vote.

  14. Well much like the back streets of Pandemic America….the rats are starting to eat their own

  15. Fuentes never learned: never attribute to malice, that which can be attributed to stupid.

  16. Man, I love to see it on an unrelated note I just ripped a fart so rank the dog whimpered and left the room in defeat and disgust.

  17. Donald Dump is sabotaging the campaign, but he does so without a shred of awareness.

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