Having fun while looking like he’s not having fun

Having fun while looking like he’s not having fun

Posted by Chillpickle17

  1. Imagine your life is just so pathetic and sad that you have absolutely nothing better to do in your life than go to the opposing politicians’ convention and then stand around like an idiot.

  2. I don’t even know who this dude is, but I’ve been seeing his ridiculous disguise on here all day.

  3. When Dead Domain does it, I feel like they are in genuine danger of their lives.
    When Matt Walsh does it, it just looks like a pathetic grifter trying to meme.

    (For context, Dead Domain is a nonbinary trans youtuber who infiltrated CPAC 2024)

  4. What is this strange emotion I feel? My heart feels light. Can it be, that this is happiness? I need to get out of here.

  5. It’s the exact moment he realized that the crowd was not AI generated. There is in fact, a blue tsunami coming.

  6. Why does he always look like a married man with post nut clarity after jerking it to something god awful?

  7. Thank him for buying the merch, he’s directly contributing to Kamala’s campaign!

  8. Matt: “So much sincere joy, hope, and compassion! I think I’m gonna be sick.”

  9. He chose a disguise that looks like a disguise. It could only be funnier if he was wearing a trenchcoat and holding it over his lower face.

  10. Isn’t this the guy that shoved a remote up his ass to prove that he wasn’t gay or something? Hm… and JD Vance fucks couches… remotes get lost in couches… like two peas in a pod.

  11. Is that? No, can’t be…TURN DOWN FOR…calm down there Walshy, it’s just those impure thoughts creeping in again

    10/10 on the disguise bro

  12. I have no idea who this shitheel is but I’ll be glad when we stop posting photos of him

  13. If you asked me to describe a pedophile religious zealot, that’s what he would look like.

  14. I think this is him realizing that Kamala might actually be really winning and his cope bubble isn’t as teflon as he’d assumed

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