Sudanese soldiers firing a heavy machinegun on foot at the RSF

by Nastyfaction

  1. I wasn’t expecting them to be sensible enough to limit themselves to single shots/bursts, and instead get thrown around by the recoil of sustained fire in a whirlwind of chaos and mayhem.

  2. Maybe it would be more effective with a tripod or over some solid ground as part of a fire team so your teammates can protect your flanks while you rain lead over, or you can just go full Rambo it works either way.

  3. So the tall guy who could easily (maybe not easily) handle the weapon is on the belt and the tiny guy who could easily handle the belt is on the weapon? That’s some backwards logic right there.

  4. I’m glad to see it’s a custom everywhere to give the biggest gun to the smallest lad in the platoon.

  5. I’ve never seen a recoil so delayed, the crab-walk recoil? I could also count the pixels towards the end.

  6. The title says he’s firing at the RSF but holding the gun like that, he’s likely firing at the air, ground or his neighbour. It’s not so hard to find a heavy thing (like a sandbag, you’re going to have sand in Africa, and bags), rest the weapon on that and actually hit things, AND be semi-protected from return fire?

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