Germany’s far-left disrupter claims credit for limiting aid to Ukraine

Germany’s far-left disrupter claims credit for limiting aid to Ukraine

Posted by SunderedValley

  1. People should realise, it was not just Right that is supporting Russia;

    There are many within the left who also support Russia, be it openly or hidden, with the misguided sense of self-righteousness, they see the USA as the big bully that is using NATO and Ukraine to oppress Russia, without realising that Russia are the Imperialist Oppressors themselves who invaded Ukraine unprovoked.

    They are manipulated by Russian [propaganda]( such as bots, deceptive imagery persuasion and greedy media, with the false belief that their mortal enemy the “Right” are Pro-America, when in reality Right is also hijack by Russia as well.

    Those people are collectively called: [useful Idiot](

  2. Yet another reminder to progressives that they can’t just treat Russian interference in Western politics as a purely right wing problem that their side is “above” and needn’t worry about.

    You’d think the fact that a large chunk of the progressive base have become frothing jihadists for Russia’s close allies of Iran/Palestine would’ve alerted them to this threat within their own movement, but apparently not.

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