Me personally it gotta be that goal aganist RM in super cup final . Peak xaviball.

by Thick-Bison2170

  1. The attitude. Dude gave his 100% every time he stepped foot on the pitch and never backed down from a fight. We really don’t have that many players like that. I was at the Gamper game and was so happy he got some of the loudest cheers when presented. Definitely my favourite player in the team

  2. Well to be hones when he got his first match I had a feeling he is special. Since that day he is my favourite. He cried when others did not cared even laughed when we lost games that made my hearth melt.

  3. since leo, i think he’s been consistently my favorite. he puts his life on the line for the badge. i hope he knows how much fans love him ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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