Just decoration. They sprinkled white stone chips into our tarmac pavements when they redid them a few years ago.
Cheaper fill material
It’s the path for Wednesdays
Older Cornish pavements have granite chip in them. Makes them sparkle under the streetlights.
Oh it was a gender reveal from a few years back. Unfortunately done before the tarmac had fully set.
Where do you think all the chewing gum from underneath the school tables went? It’s hard to dispose of. A lot easier to throw it in the tarmac and make decorative patterns.
It’s actually to reduce wear and tear. Those coloured stones are harder than the tarmac, and so protect the tarmac from erosion by the wear and tear of the pedestrian traffic. This makes the surface last longer so it won’t need to be re-surfaced so often.
Years ago I was watching a guy sprinkle pink stones on fresh tarmac, and he said, do you know why we put pink stones on? I said no, and he replied, we’re out of white ones.
You only see them when you’re about to die.
Pavement nappers, seriously.
In Pompeii the Romans laid white reflective stones in footpaths/pevements so that pedestrians could see their way by moonlight at night. Could it be something like that?
Just decoration. They sprinkled white stone chips into our tarmac pavements when they redid them a few years ago.
Cheaper fill material
It’s the path for Wednesdays
Older Cornish pavements have granite chip in them. Makes them sparkle under the streetlights.
Oh it was a gender reveal from a few years back. Unfortunately done before the tarmac had fully set.
Where do you think all the chewing gum from underneath the school tables went? It’s hard to dispose of. A lot easier to throw it in the tarmac and make decorative patterns.
It’s actually to reduce wear and tear. Those coloured stones are harder than the tarmac, and so protect the tarmac from erosion by the wear and tear of the pedestrian traffic. This makes the surface last longer so it won’t need to be re-surfaced so often.
Years ago I was watching a guy sprinkle pink stones on fresh tarmac, and he said, do you know why we put pink stones on? I said no, and he replied, we’re out of white ones.
You only see them when you’re about to die.
Pavement nappers, seriously.
In Pompeii the Romans laid white reflective stones in footpaths/pevements so that pedestrians could see their way by moonlight at night. Could it be something like that?