Frantic Trump Goes on Wild Extended Rant On Fox & Friends, Warning That ‘Our Country Will Die’ If Harris Gets Elected

Frantic Trump Goes on Wild Extended Rant On Fox & Friends, Warning That ‘Our Country Will Die’ If Harris Gets Elected

Frantic Trump Goes on Wild Extended Rant On Fox & Friends, Warning That ‘Our Country Will Die’ If Harris Gets Elected

Posted by newsjam

  1. Any time Trump says ‘Our Country’ what he really means is I.

    He has no interest in the country, only himself, his greed and his protections.

  2. We’re witnessing the last desperate throes of a deranged cult leader.

    Finish them off in November.

  3. I dont think Ive heard him say an uplifting positive thing since he adored the fine people on both sides of a white power rally. IMO.

  4. He said the same thing about Joe Biden….and Hilary Clinton. He is just playing the hits now but they are getting stale and worn out.

  5. As Walz said, if you take the time to draw up a playbook, (Project 25), you’re gonna use it.

  6. That’s right!! So all the MAGA people need to give ALL their money to the RNC ASAP!! 🤣🤣🤣

  7. When do the giant Trump Punch Bowls and Orange Trump Brand ‘Special’ Kool Aid start selling on the Trump Store?

  8. This orange moron is increasingly getting demented and losing his marbles by the day 🎃

  9. Dump’s favorite country 🇷🇺 is in trouble when Harris wins. Those of us 🇺🇸 not under Vlad will be fine

    Ignore doomer propaganda and actually vote

  10. tRump is dumb. Not sure how anyone in this country can be sottish enough to support him.

  11. 5000 Boomers pass away every day up from 4000 ten years ago. And 6000 ten years from now. Is that what he is talking about?

  12. yeah like when trump said and I quote “the stock market will crash if Biden is elected” yeah that didn’t happen!

  13. Reading a transcript of him speaking somehow makes him seem even more insane than just listening to him. It’s remarkable.

  14. With these increasing frantic rants, Kamala and the Democrats MUST be doing well

  15. I mean, does this even connect with anyone who isn’t in the right wing media bubble? Our country “will die”? What the fuck does that even mean? He said the same shit about Biden and yet here we are. I guess he just hates that the government made insulin $35 or that Medicare drugs can be negotiated now or that we invested in infrastructure.

    He sounds fucking ridiculous but what else is new.

  16. We survived Biden presidency I think we’ll be just fine under Kamala unless you’re the wealthy 1%

  17. I think way too many democrats lately seem to think Harris has this election in the bag. I believe the pseudo-republicans are working feverishly to do WHATEVER they can do, legally or illegally, to “win” the election.

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