MAGA Enters Meltdown Mode Over Tim Walz’s Son at the DNC

MAGA Enters Meltdown Mode Over Tim Walz’s Son at the DNC

Posted by thenewrepublic

  1. A son being proud of his dad is a foreign concept to conservatives so they can only ridicule. They think that a son should fear the father because….the bible and all.

  2. So far today I’ve seen Trump trash call him a “retard,” “weak little bitch” and claim his father molested him.


  3. Not surprised MAGA is completely inexperienced with the concept of a loving family. 

  4. This kinda shit is so infuriating. I saw this happen live and the second thing that came into my mind after it gut punched me was sympathy for him because I knew this hatred was coming.

    Vote blue. Vote blue. Vote blue.

  5. 💙💙💙💙when blue wins house and senate and whitehouse (I am hopeful ) let’s watch felon melon cry and run away to hide .. all Republicans can’t get to fast enough to denounce they ever supported a felon for president. .. weirdos , con artists , who can’t tell the truth.. . We say good riddens to magga come November 5th..

  6. They think a developmentally disabled boy crying in joy over his dad is weird, but walking around with sperm cups isn’t?

  7. No surprise, coming from the party whose main selling point is hate and anger. They act like they’re the party of family values but mock Joe Biden for being supportive of his son and his struggles with drugs while clapping madly for Trump, a man who clearly has no relationship worth while with any of his children. It’s disgusting.

  8. What’s funny is the “party of family values” losing their collective minds of a son that is proud of his dad and expressing that feeling and sharing those emotions.

    MAGA can fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Keep fucking off until they get to a gate with a sign saying “you can’t fuck off past here” climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.

    Fucking assholes.

  9. GOP (family values party) strategy: If you can’t go after your opponent, go for their family.

  10. MAGA openly admit they have no idea what family love, emotions, or compassion are. Sad statement but that certainly explains a lot of their social positions.

  11. Who care?

    We already know that MAGA folks are miserable and embody hate.

    Let’s bring the love back!

    Vote Blue for Me and You!

  12. Republicans are confused because Democrats look at their family like Republicans look at dictators lol

  13. The party of “family values” shows its colors, yet again. They are nothing but DISGUSTING!

    (dare I say.. insert Kyle Rittenhouse giff)

  14. They go after Biden and his boy for having a good relationship, no one should be surprised by this

  15. Democrats wanted to go low and fight back… they just didn’t realize how ratchet the GOP can be.

    I mean that’s so low, (something something witty)

  16. I’m not surprised at the outcry. A huge number of kids in conservative, MAGAt families fucking *hate* their parents, and for good reason.

    So those MAGA fucks have no idea what a positive, healthy family relationship looks like.

  17. Not one MAGA member was raised by a real man.

    An entire generation of fathers forgot Gary Cooper and only remembers John Wayne.

  18. All I saw was a son proud of his dad, and family that loves each other. It’s a deeply confusing concept for Republicans.

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