Desperate Trump Accused of Staging a ‘Rescue’ For a Fainting Woman at NC Rally: ‘So Fake’

Desperate Trump Accused of Staging a ‘Rescue’ For a Fainting Woman at NC Rally: ‘So Fake’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Just like the ear thing! All staged!!! If it really happened, he would have still been showing off the picture of the ear, etc. He is still show his mugshot and a true bullet wound would have given him some street cred with some of his loonies.

    I’m not saying he wasn’t shot at, and someone died… That I get, but he wasn’t shot. Instead his story is that he is a quick healer.

  2. Pretty hard to believe he would care for another human being when he has called his supporters ‘basement dwellers’ in semi-private settings.

  3. Didnt that happen at dem events last week? Both harrris and waltz stopped speeches when it was so hot. Trumpy is just copying stuff as always.

  4. Must have been a lite turn out for him to notice. He only cares about himself himself himself himself himself

  5. Did he tape a Tampax to her ear? It’s treatment for many kinds of trauma—like losing to a black woman.

  6. God I would give my left testicle to be alone in a room with this pos for 5 minutes with no repercussions.

  7. So he just staged something similar to what Walz actually did a few weeks ago?

    Imitating Walz in this manor just makes Walz look like an alpha and Trump look like a phony man-bitch.   

  8. If Donnie Dingus broke character for even a second to express concern for another human being, he was absolutely faking it. He’d step right over a burning basket of babies and puppies unless he was sure there was something to personally gain by helping them.

  9. He was checking to see if she was conscious. If she wasn’t, he was going to do mouth-to-mouth with a little tongue action. Then he would do CPR so he can touch her breast.

  10. Let’s be honest here, Trump doesn’t do anything unless it benefits him. He’s a classic narcissist- caring about others is not part of his DNA.

  11. Lol.

    He left his supporters stranded in a blizzard and in a heatwave.

    Now he’s copying Tim Walz.

    Anyone who believes this is a clown.

  12. Anyone remember earlier this summer?someone was feeling hot at front of one of his rallies – he motioned and mouthed – water, you need water? Great. Then he reached and took a drink of his own water from below the lectern.

    Like yeah, water is a good idea, thanks.

  13. Hate to be this guy, but eyes on the prize. This is just distracting. Trump (fake or not) walked over to a person to try and show that he cares about people. Great. That’s the absolute lowest baseline. If it’s real it’s not news because we all believe it was his intention was to appear like he cared. If it’s fake it’s not news because we all believe it was his intention to appear like he cared.

    How about we focus on disparaging him for actually not helping people. Really not helping people.


  14. He strolls over, when he had the secret service and I’m sure medical personnel at his very beck and call. He should have directed the qualified people to treat her, but no, he has to hero it up and go himself. That’s the only way to milk attention for himself.

  15. Sad! He did it because Walz was praised for his concern of person’s health in a rally last week.

  16. There were already paramedics helping the woman… wtf was he going to do? Lmao.
    He probably thought “I’ll do one better than Walz and actually LEAVE the stage to check on her”
    What an absolute loser.

  17. Ten bucks this is because an elderly lady had a medical event at the Harris rally in Milwaukee this week and Kamala was gracious and concerned and spoke about how great it is that the crowd cares for each other’s well being.

    Source: was in Milwaukee and saw it with my own eyes.

  18. You know it’s staged because the secret service didn’t try to stop him and none of them are positioned in a way to either pull him from the barricade or get between him and it.

    The secret service detail can’t risk another mistake, they wouldn’t have allowed this unless they controlled it. Meaning this is fake.

  19. Yeah, the guy who wants to prolong the war between Israel and Hamas just to help his election really gives a shit about a fainting woman. Please

  20. This is just pathetic. I hope people can see how sad he really is now that he’s freaked the fuck out.

  21. Did he have to carry the bulletproof glass with him as he sauntered over there? This is such staged bullshit, the guy is fucking desperate.

  22. guy died at his rally and he didn’t give a shit but omg that fainting chick over there…oh wait is the camera on? Somebody save her

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