She could not have expressed herself any better

She could not have expressed herself any better

Posted by McPostyFace

  1. “Are you that guy that fucks couches? And has changed his name a bunch of times? Yeah, we’ve heard all about you.”

  2. I’m surprised that the video was posted. He was obviously trying his best to get a conversation started so that he could look like an every-man. He eventually resorted to just asking every employee on the clock how long they had been working there. They all answered in 2 words or less, and he had nothing after that.

  3. That campaign stop ended as soon as the donut staffer said she didn’t want to be on camera with him.

  4. Sir we don’t sell couches here and these donuts are not for you’re sexual pleasure.

  5. How did they not vet this vendor before going in, like you know , you’d assume you’d go to a vendor that both supports them, knows about their visit, and is cool with their horrid politics.

    Whoever’s in charge of this disaster…

    Please keep it up, you’re doing your country a wonderful service!

  6. ‘ I can’t hold a conversation so imma wait for these frosted dick rings over on the couch’

  7. Cool story, bro. Here is your sugar-free, old-fashioned without the glaze you creepy looking couch fucker.

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