Humiliated Trump Rages at Claim Queen Elizabeth Found Him Very Rude, ‘SHE LIKED ME!!!’

Humiliated Trump Rages at Claim Queen Elizabeth Found Him Very Rude, ‘SHE LIKED ME!!!’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Obama got invited to address the entire Parliament and he did.

    There was a petition circulating in the UK that got almost 2 million signatures to try to prevent Donald Trump from even making a state visit to the UK.

    That’s the difference.

  2. She was a very good judge of people who have zero characteristics that Rae of any worth. Trump has nil worth as a human being. None

  3. This is so typical. A woman is professional, polite, courteous as she does her job. “She’s into me.” No, it’s a woman going about her business, tryna get thru the work day as smoothly as possible. Get a clue.

  4. Orange Fatbody: “I know… know she liked me… she let me grab her… they let you when you’re me.”

  5. I wonder if the world dictators have an Austin Powers’ like meeting and talk shit about him. 😂

  6. That delusional piece of shit actually declared that he was the queen’s favorite president lol

  7. My goodness, is that a real pic? What a creep Trump is… that really makes me feel bad for Elizabeth. Women who know what I mean know what I mean.

  8. Him thinking she liked him just shows what an impartial, class act she really was. Wonderful woman.

  9. The queen possessed an acute sense of fashion, and everything she wore was purposeful. When she met Trump, she wore the funeral brooch.

  10. Of course he says this since she can’t deny it. You can tell by the look on her face when she was forced to be in the room with him.

  11. He is one of those people who needs to be liked by everyone, and doesn’t realize that no one likes him. Really sad if he weren’t so damn dangerous.

  12. I’ve never met QEII or Drumpf and I can say with all the confidence in the world, she hated his ass

  13. Trump is a troglodite. I’m sure she would have been very polite to his face about this.

  14. LOL 😂 Queen Elizabeth II must have probably been holding her breath the entire time from the burger-breath and the foul biohazard stench emanating from Don Sr’s diaper.

  15. She hated Trump, But she loved Obama and Michelle, who could blame her, she was old but not crazy

  16. Her body language said that Trump sickened her. She was embarrassed to even have to host him.

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