Sahel: Security Council must call out “Ukraine’s support for terrorism” – Burkina, Mali and Niger

Sahel: Security Council must call out “Ukraine’s support for terrorism” – Burkina, Mali and Niger

Posted by Im-so-controversial

  1. Translation: Three states run by coups, acting as Russian proxies, repeat Kremlin talking points for money. Three states who care so little about terrorism in their own back yards that they kicked out European assistance in dealing with said terrorism, and have suffered predictably as a result.

  2. I don’t remember where I heard it but it has stuck with me. ” Ukraine is speed running all the failures of the west in Africa”

    It started with the African delegation to Ukraine being treated like dirt. Then the allegations of racism. Now they jumping into issues that it seems they don’t really care about just to get PR by “hurting Russia”. The most ridiculous part is that they claimed they helped “rebels” whom where “terrorists” when the French and Americans where fighting them. Regardless of how the war ends; the majority of African nations and people will not like Ukraine for justifiable reasons. But most people in the west are high off propaganda of how we should hate Russia because of grain. When Russia was 80% of the market to begin with

  3. Ukraine is fighting a war for survival against Russia and is attacking Russian interests wherever it can to maximize the chances of its survival. Full stop.

    Anyone entangling themselves with Russian state interests are knowingly accepting that aggressors baggage.

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