That about sums it up

That about sums it up

Posted by Captain_Wisconsin

  1. its literal jedi (D) vs sith (R) mentality now. republicans focus inward. they only think of themselves and how to consolidate power which they channel through their hate. democrats, while not perfect, at least try and think of others. they lead through compassion and their policies are typically designed for the betterment of others.

  2. The silliest part is that the elephant needs to look in the damn mirror for *any semblance of “*blame”.

  3. The Republicans can’t understand why Kamala is so popular; the majority of us are sick of hate, lies, and anger. We want hope, help, and positivity.

  4. This week’s DNC has been an excellent switch up from “I declare jihad against all Democrats”

  5. If you’re living your life, blaming everyone but yourself for how things are going, it’s you. You’re the problem.

  6. Let’s be real: both sides blame each other. You can fault them both in that area

  7. This is what I hate about the GOP. They never want to improve or even fix what’s broken with the government and our society.

  8. Ironically the GOP sign happens to exemplify how russians handle politics as a whole. Strange how both their methodologies of their propaganda align so similarly.

  9. Republicans: Helping each other is communism.

    Also Republicans: Why are our approval ratings dropping?

  10. As a European who follows the American elections closely, I’ve noticed something positive. When it was Biden vs Trump, people were siding against Trump. But now that Kamala is running, people are for the Democrats. It’s a small nuance that has meant a massive change in positivity in this sub

  11. Back in 2016 I realized that people really fall into one of two camps: 1) You’re able to feel empathy for other people, or 2) You only care about you and the immediate people around you.

    That sums up the political parties pretty succinctly, I think.

  12. The really ugly part of this truth is that it’s frequently less expensive to be nice to people, and also solves the problem.

    For example, Colorado has a free IUD program that has reduced unwanted pregnancies, **reduced abortions** – [both of these by 40%]( – and been a net savings to the State of Colorado. It almost wasn’t renewed because Republicans didn’t support it, despite it being a win for everyone. Sound familiar? Meanwhile, it’s been two years since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and [the number of abortions in the U.S. continues to rise.]( Perversely, that’s destroyed Colorado’s great track record at reducing abortions, as [women from other States – without programs to reduce unwanted pregnancies and where abortion is now illegal – flee to Colorado for abortions.](

    We can say the same thing about single payer healthcare, where American is [#17 on Forbes Best Countries For Business List,]( because we’ve hamstrung our economy with extortionately high healthcare costs that leave the rest of our businesses anemic. The countries ahead of us are able to compete globally because their healthcare costs – and they cover everyone – are lower because they’re single payer.

    Republicans’ cruelty – and Republicans DO need cruelty, because their constituency is motivated by pain, fear and grievance – is also very expensive to the average American. Their self-righteous, frequently racially motivated agenda is just a drunkenly wielded mud-covered ~~sledgehammer~~ cross.

  13. This post is full of shit, the Dems are so blind of what the corporate media has been doing for the past 5 years. It’s the Dems who have been on a witch hunt taking every turn to pin something on Donald Trump.

  14. Dems spent the last 4 years blaming Republicans for not being able to get anything passed when they couldn’t even get their own party to vote along party lines but ok….

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