Feel the Democracy flow through you! Yes, YES!

Feel the Democracy flow through you! Yes, YES!

Posted by SeismicFrog

  1. *The Day the Nazi Died*
    By Chumbawamba

    We’re told that after the war the Nazis vanished without a trace / But battalions of fascists still dream of a master race

    The history books they tell of their defeat in ’45 / So why’d they all come out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died

    They say the prisoner of Spandau was a symbol of defeat / Whilst Hest remained imprisoned and the fascists they were beat

    So the promise of an Aryan world would never materialize / So why’d they all come out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died

    The world is riddled with maggots, the maggots are getting fat / They’re making a tasty meal of all the bosses and bureaucrats

    They’re taking over the boardrooms and they’re fat and full of pride / And they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died

    So if you meet with these historians I’ll tell you what to say / Tell them that the Nazis never really went away

    They’re out there burning houses down and peddling racist lies

    And we’ll never rest again until every Nazi dies

  2. She promised a US army that’s the most lethal in the world and more weapons to Israel no matter what.

    And acted like the former is completely detached from the “mass suffering of civilians in Gaza.”

    Trump is an ugly looking mask over a monster, and Kamala is a prettier mask. The DNC was finally giving me hope that maybe there’s a new chapter of American politics beginning, but with one last speech they’ve destroyed all illusions.

    If you don’t have the fucking balls to call out a foreign country on mass murder of innocents, how can you claim to oppose tyrants, and how can you claim to care about the humanity of citizens who are the blood of the murdered back at home?

    Same old shit, different vibe. Disappointing. Just when one begins to hope.

  3. I haven’t ever wanted to go to a national convention until this lit ass party set it off.

  4. There are massive voter purges going on in Texas and Arizona. GA GOP always pulling some shit too.

    Don’t get complacent. Don’t relive 2016. Check your voter registration, get your friends to check theirs. Make a plan!

    Have tough conversations with family and friends in other states. Trump laid out his Orwellian dystopia in Project 2025, the sycophants that remained in his cabinet wrote it. JD Vance wrote the forward.

    If your family was upset by Hillary deleting emails, why is it OK for Project 2025 training manuals to encourage government workers NOT TO LEAVE A PAPER TRAIL?!?!?!

    The VA condemned Trump for mocking the Medal of Honor this week . The Military Times condemned Trump in 2022 when they revealed HE SIGNED THE ORDER TO WITHDRAW FROM AFGHANISTAN TO SCREW OVER BIDEN!!! The UAW condemned Trump for being an anti-union scab!

    Get the message out. There is no reason to vote for him unless you blindly vote for anyone with an R in front of their name.

    Be optimistic! Be friendly! Be patient! We can crack with wall of denial.

  5. You haven’t won yet! Make sure you vote, and make sure you can vote, and make sure of the same thing for your friends and family.

    Signed your concerned neighbour to the north.

  6. They nailed this convention – they are ignited, energized and ready… time to deflect the Cheeto and reject this fascist play once and for all.

  7. Not to be a joyless communist but this isnt how fascism dies. This is how it puts on the mask of humanity while giving an apartheid state weapons of war to destroy a people.

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