I’m JD Vance and I donut care whether a woman gives consent

I’m JD Vance and I donut care whether a woman gives consent

Posted by Narcosist

  1. <Her internal monologue> *Hurry up, order your shit, and leave.*

    Him [sorry, I know they don’t like pronouns]: “Hi, I’m JD Vance and I’m-“

    <Her> *It’s the motherfucking couch fucker! I don’t get paid enough to deal with this shit. Is this being recorded? Don’t fuck with me, I’m not the upholstery.* “…Okay”

  2. turns to crew:

    “how many donnuts do i get for us?”


    turns to attendant:

    “how many do i get?”

    *couple dozens should be ok*

    “give a couple dozens. and, btw, i´m vance, vp candidate”


  3. Everyone’s focused on the cringe and the haircut, but these fucking clowns also did the one thing she, clearly and justifiably, on camera, asked them not to do, after the vice presidential candidate agreed not to.

    The [video posted to CSPAN by the Trump Presidential Campaign](https://www.c-span.org/video/?537948-1/jd-vance-visits-donut-shop-georgia) STILL shows her face. Thankfully, most outlets are doing the right thing and blurring it.

    I suppose heroically writing press releases to put a positive spin on an unjustified and failed invasion doesn’t engender you with basic journalistic ethics.

  4. If you had taken turkeys from a poultry farm and put them into that bakery, they’d have looked more like they were in their natural environment than those be-suited nitwits.

  5. It’s crazy that rather than leave he’s just like “well I don’t really give a fuck it you want to be filmed because I’m running for vice president”

    And then posted that up like he’s a man of the people and not an absolute asshole

    So weird

  6. I think the OP should consider correcting the post title to read ‘I’m JD Vance and I donut care whether a woman … or a couch … gives consent’.

  7. This was in my town and I didn’t even know he came until someone I knew told me. Totally zero wake, no presence at all.

  8. Would she be able to sue for harassment if any incidents since they didn’t cut her out?

  9. Yet another example of how the GOP thinks they are our rulers and not our elected representatives. He doesn’t need consent from one of the “little people.” He’s her better, he can do whatever the hell he wants.

  10. I have to believe *real* campaigns do lots of behind-the-scenes legwork to prevent the candidate-sampling-local-flavor pit stop from making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

    Or, at least real campaigns *will* do so in the future because of this VEEP-scene turned real-life.

    [“I’m on my 4th hour working in a donut shop kitchen. Sure! Put me on camera without notice.”]

  11. all of his interactions and interviews go badly because he is just there to extract something from everyone he speaks with. you can see that he doesn’t care at all about the people he interacts with, just how they can be used to make whatever point he needs to make

  12. Like any of these fuckers cared about consent. Like any of them cared about anything except just exactly what they want.

  13. This man has zero fucking charisma. Can’t even order donuts without sounding like it’s the first time he’s seen another human.

  14. I really wish one of the workers had said “That’s great. Now get the fuck out of my shop, traitor.”, after he said he was running for VP.

    A man can dream.

  15. this has Paul Ryan coming into a closed soup kitchen at the end of a long day of feeding the homeless for a photo op while doing clean dishes, energy.

  16. It would have taken zero effort for him to say “let’s skip the video for now and just get some donuts”. Zero. 

    But he thought this moment was too precious to give up. 

  17. Keep in mind it was **his campaign** that released this video because, I suppose, they thought it made him look like a regular guy interacting with voters in a positive way.

    It made him look like an awkward fool.

  18. Yeah he seemed like she didn’t matter “or whatever “when she said she didn’t want to be on camera.

  19. A part of me empathizes because I have been that awkward, unconfident fish out of water many times. But JD Vance is a really creepy, mean-spirited and corrupt person, so I can’t feel bad for him.

  20. I don’t have anything to back this up, but I’m pretty sure Tim Walz knows what donut gets getting

  21. This is almost unbelievable that it’s real.

    It is real, isn’t it? Right. No faking?

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