Investigation Uncovers Trump’s Scheme That Has Funneled Millions in Campaign Donations to His Businesses

Investigation Uncovers Trump’s Scheme That Has Funneled Millions in Campaign Donations to His Businesses

Investigation Uncovers Trump’s Scheme That Has Funneled Millions in Campaign Donations Into His Own Pocket

Posted by inewser

  1. It’s all about his own gain. His own fame. His own power. We’re all so fucking sick of this clown.

  2. Lawyers charge by the hour…and bro needs a lot of lawyers, because he doesn’t give a fuck about the law.

  3. Say it isn’t so… Felon Trump is a Good man, Good business man, never lies and never cheats…

    Good man – he’s a man
    Good business man – he does have some businesses, but failed ALL the others
    Never cheats – 2 porn stars and all the other from Epstein’s Island
    Never Lies – way way to many to post on here

  4. More campaign financial fraud to charge him up his fat ass with Garland! Pile up the evidence, put him in an ice cold court room, let the jury hand down the verdict and LOCK HIM UP!

  5. Reaallllyy? This could be a daily headline anymore. And anything he does anymore up to the election is all about grifting and lining his own pockets. This lame-ass (and probably illegal) J6 “fundraising gala” he’s having for the Capitol rioters is just another way for him to pocket the money. His basement dweller MAGAT mobsters will be languishing in jail, as they should, while Trump counts his cash.

  6. Grandpa Soupy Pants Trump is a wackadoodle NUTJOB! He’s a scourge on humanity, a walking crime wave, a piece of shit.

  7. He’s like Jaws the shark. Singular in purpose. Relentless. Creating chaos. A juggernaut of destruction.

  8. The political equivalent of Joel Osteen or the 700 Club, targeting the same group of people who can’t afford to throw their money away. I feel sad for all of them as much as knowing they reap what they sow.

  9. Shocked! I’m shocked to find felonious fat failure 45 the business failure who attempted a coup is engaged in fraud and financial chicanery! Shocked I tell you! Couldn’t happen a nicer neo Confederate political party.

  10. Any day now his follows will start caring about the rule of law.

    Naaaaah!!!! Just joking. They won’t.

  11. Why do they even bother posting this stuff? They call it ‘concerning’ or say that there may be ‘ethical problems’….blah blah blah. We already know that ethics don’t actually count for shit and that regardless of how concerning any given crime he and/or his fucktard cronies commits will never be prosecuted. It just makes us angry and they get to gloat.

  12. “Well, let’s see. If we add these, we get ten, four… Hmm… Amazing. It’s absolutely amazing. That under the right circumstances, a Producer could make more money with a flop than he could with a hit. Hmm… Yes, it’s quite possible! If he were certain that the show would fail, a man could make a fortune!” Gene Wilder as Leo Bloom, The Producers.

    Mel Brooks called it.

  13. And? He openly and brazenly took taxpayer dollars and funneled them to himself. Why not campaign funds, too? Geez, can we get to the part where hes punished, just a tiny bit, for all the open law breaking? Hes pretty much shredded the idea of American law…

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