Swedish hunters kill more than 150 brown bears in first days of annual cull

Swedish hunters kill more than 150 brown bears in first days of annual cull


Posted by MaffeoPolo

  1. > Over the past two years, Sweden has culled hundreds of wolves, lynxes and bears, with last year’s hunts breaking modern records for the number of animals killed. In 2023, the country held the largest wolf hunt in modern times, aiming to cull 75 of an endangered population of just 460 wolves.

    Saving the wild animals who are being hunted to extinction is often portrayed as a third world problem, often shown on TV where the camera pans with concern over the wilds of Africa or Asia, following a forest ranger who has no shoes.

    The reality is Europeans have hunted native populations of wild animals to extinction rather uniformly since the dawn of guns, and this is defended to this day as a righteous or legitimate practice. The protests are a promising sign, but maybe a case of too little too late.

  2. I mean it’s their bears. However when even your neighbors are saying they are suffering from it then maybe tone it down a bit? Not Like this NEEDS to Happen to this extend.

  3. Any sources that the population of bears and wolves are decreased more than they repoduce every year? Because if they do, I don’t see anything wrong here.

    Many regions have problems with wildlife and need to keep the population of dangerous animals in check. I know that was the case in my country during the pandemic when hunting was prohibited and wild hog population increased.

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