On August 17th, THIS MAN said he was a better-looking person than Kamala Harris.

On August 17th, THIS MAN said he was a better-looking person than Kamala Harris.

Posted by LilYerrySeinfeld

  1. He looks like the dark side of the force is consuming him from the inside out

  2. “The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger.“

    -Palpatine Trump

  3. “Trump has kind hair.”

    “What’s ‘kind’ hair?”

    “The kind you wipe your ass with.”

  4. On August 17, this man took a dump on camera, and you can see visibly in his face here.

  5. I don’t know why it was THIS comment that crystallized this realization for me, considering it’s been happening daily for nearly a decade, but when he said that, it made me realize something. He simply cannot handle praise being given to anyone, ever, that’s not him. If something good is being said, he HAS to have it aimed at him or he will say whatever it takes to redirect it to himself. Even when he grudgingly says something nice about other people for political purposes, he has to tie it into himself: “I think he’s great and I know he thinks I’m great!” Always. He’s pathologically incapable of not being the center of attention.

  6. Trump is too old to keep up with Kamala and Walz, and all the stress of possibly getting thrown into a jail for gos knows how long is slowly but steadily taking a toll on him.

    Usually i would feel sorry but no. Not him. Not what he’s done to American people, to his own wife, AND millions of people who died during the pandemic. No. I am still mad.

  7. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the face of a geriatric syphilis patient suffering with a spray tan addiction who is in the final stages of dementia and also in the midst of the yugest temper tantrum the Western World has seen. Can you spare a dollar?

  8. Nevermind I am a straight cis man, Trump isn’t remotely in the same league as our wonderful and beautiful vice-soon-to-be president Harris.

  9. It was at/over a hundred degrees where he had this little press conference yesterday. You can see where his foundation (makeup) is melting off of his face. Dipshit did a press conference outside in August with no shade or sun protection. Maybe his campaign staff is actively trying to kill him because why else would they let a 78-year old man do this?

  10. Also yesterday – he had families speak about losing loved one to crime. Tragic, and I truly do feel for their loss.


    Did anyone else see the absolutely cringy way Trump tried to express his “compassion” to each of them? Awkward half hug and kiss on the cheeks. Like – “I feel like I need to do something, but I don’t want to get too close to this person. Still, better give them a kiss”. Surprised it hasn’t come up – it was way more cringy than the picture. If you can find it, please post it.

  11. What happened Donny, who the hell is letting you go on TV looking like you a wearing a mask of yourself?

  12. Looks like Vitiligo to me. He should be admitted and treated with an injection of Bleach and a Sunshine enema.

  13. This was outdoors in AZ wasn’t it? He looks like he about to have heat stroke in that polyester

  14. Looks like he’s struggling to poop his pants. You may need to be in a home by now.An old people’s home

  15. ![gif](giphy|WfNsPc6utJZ7O)

    Every time I see this photo I think of Death Becomes Her. He sold his soul a long time ago and he has forgotten the rules

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