After what they said about Tim Walz son

After what they said about Tim Walz son

Posted by Zombieutinsel

  1. And Gen Z actually votes.

    So proud of them.

    Vote you magnificent bastards caring about your futures.

    Vote like the wind!

  2. Can we stop talking about “trumpism”? The Republican party has been doing the same schtick since long before Trump started making noise about running. Anyone who pretends they used to be different in the Bush years is either wildly out of touch or making excuses for their prior political alliances.

  3. This is the most spot on thing I’ve read in many many years. So sad that it’s 100% true

  4. I basically gave my parents an ultimatum: they can shut the fuck up with their outdated bullshit, or they can kiss a relationship with me goodbye completely and we’ll never see or speak again.

    That got moms attention, and she’s put in work to present herself differently, but stepdad didn’t really change. I won’t be going to his fucking funeral, I can tell you that.

  5. I didn’t need this to figure it out. Their hypocrisy is so blatant that I figured it out ages ago.

  6. They’ve always been completely hypocritical. These are the same people who 25 years ago warned us teens about chatting with strangers in dial up internet chat rooms because they could be anybody! Anyone can go online and pretend to be a teenager to lure you to meet them in real life!

    Now these same relatives believe and share any dumb shit they read from any shady website. You guys know anyone can put up a website and claim a bunch of crazy shit is true right?

    These older relatives were also the same people telling me 25 years ago to just deal with stuff and to not complain or whine cause nobody likes a complainer! Now they blindly follow a phony “multimillionaire” NYC real estate developer who’s never actually worked a real job ever, and just constantly bitches and moans about everything. It baffles my mind…. but that’s the power of foreign influence manipulating social media algorithms to push fake websites/stories that fit their fear based worldview.

  7. Read the Gospels and then read a Trump speech and it’s pretty clear that Trump doesn’t give a shit about christianity and neither do most christians. At the core of Trumpism is a list of ways they want to hurt people who are not hurting them in any way.

  8. It’s amazing conservatives aren’t linking the rapid decline in Christianity to republican behavior.

  9. I’m gen x. My parents are child abusers that have been supporting the other gop abusers my entire life. It’s about time the rest of you started to notice how fucked up they are. I’ve been trying to tell everyone for years and people kept telling me “but they’re your parents, they love you”. Nah, brah these fuckers are **abusers**. They have an [authoritarian follower personality]( They believe in an abuse hierarchy, and you can abuse anyone beneath you in the hierarchy. Men are above women, adults are above kids, parents are above the childfree, whites are above POCs, straights are above LGBTQ+, rich are above poor, religious are above non-believers, etc.

    If you want to understand their dysfunction better, here are some links:

    Bob Altemeyer’s site:

    The Eight Criteria for Thought Reform (aka the authoritarian playbook):

    John Bradshaw’s 1985 program discussing how normalized abuse and neglect in the family of origin primes the brain to participate in group abuse up to and including genocide:

    “The Brainwashing of my Dad” 2015 documentary:

    [Theramin Trees]( ) – great resource on abuse tactics like: emotional blackmail, double binds, drama disguised as “help”, degrading “love”, infantalization, etc. and adding this link to [spiritual bypassing]( ), as it’s one of abusers favorite tactics.

    Issendai’s site on estrangement:

    authoritarian follower personality (mini dictators that simp for other dictators):

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