2024’s most iconic photo

2024’s most iconic photo

Posted by vulturesponge

  1. There are so many pictures of Trump looking like he just crapped himself, but this looks like he’s actually *trying* to crap himself

  2. Southern AZ… In August. I can’t imagine who let him do that. Surprised his face didn’t run ala Giuliani hair dye.

  3. That’s why he won Michigan’s Man of the Year award in 2017 he said he won without the award even existing.

  4. An old old man, lingering long past his time…THAT’S **ME**! This dumbass is older than my dad would have been. Put his senile ass in a home.

  5. No one is going to convince me he’s not pooping during this photo.

    That’s 100% he face of someone who’s diaper is getting filled

  6. Where’s the border invasion? I was told we were being invaded. The only criminal at the border was on the US side and was threatening him.

  7. This is the dude they put on Rambo’s body, on flags that they fly on their trucks

  8. Don’t look but he has a shaved vagina behind the top of ITS tie !!!! I told u not to look !!!

  9. That suit… it reminds me of the suit Sasha Cohen wears as Borat. Ill-fitting and he says it’s never been washed.

    Who the F wears the same suit every day for years. I’m not a “billionaire”, but even I won’t wear the same suit twice in a week.

  10. This is a man visibly in distress and it’s all his own fault. All he had to do was shut up and keep flying under the radar with his crimes. But nope, his poor ego got so butthurt because Obama finally gave Trump back some of his own medicine and now he’s in fucking ruins.

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