“Palestinians are being dehumanized to justify occupation and genocide”

‘Western media’s framing of us as inherently violent is as deadly as Israeli bombs and bullets.’


Posted by iHerpTheDerp511

  1. I agree that some articles paint the Palestinians in an almost racist “angry barbarian” type way. But you still can’t factually deny that when Israel gives gaza leeway, they are repaid in attacks.

    And this article is so biased from the start it should be removed. 

    > He called his opponent, current US President Joe Biden, a “very bad Palestinian” for his alleged failure to help Israel “finish the job” of killing everyone in Gaza and stealing the land. 


  2. Just a reminder that Al Jazeera is based in Qatar. The exact same Qatar that gives a safe haven for all the Hamas terrorist leaders to hide while they direct their troops to massacre Jews, all leading to the current and tragic situation in Gaza, which is exactly what Hamas had hoped for.

    In other words, don’t trust Al Jazeera.

  3. Ah yes, Qatari state media — definitely a very neutral and very reliable source of information on human rights, with no ulterior motivations on Israel at all.

  4. Since when did this sub become filled with zio bots like in r/worldnews ? No doubt Palestinians are going through absolute hell yet some people here are almost saying it’s justified just because they think the universe was made on Oct 7th as well as all the conflicts in the Middle East . They act blind when presented with countless videos of Israel actually committing a genocide and countless war crimes but draw the line when Israel is called out for it . What’s crazy to me is that there people who still see Israel as the victim , you don’t need a rocket scientist to know that the side that teaches its children in school that all Arabs will either be slaves or dead are the bad guys

  5. Al Jazeera is literally a Qatari state sponsored propaganda outlet. It shouldn’t be allowed on this sub, it doesn’t provide anything of value since it’s not credible or fair. I don’t know why it is.

  6. I mean I didn’t do a comparative analysis of media reports on the topic in the different media landscapes in the languages I am able to consume and I’m not saying the author is entirely imagining their claim either – but I don’t feel like their claim corresponds with my personal media diet that is composed by my personal algorithm bubble and the mainstream media I actively seek out. It’s a shame that the author’s accusations don’t go further than vague claims, because that would have made a much stronger case

  7. This isn’t new by any means. The state of Israel and its backers have dehumanized the Palestinians pretty much since day one. All settler colonial projects end up viewing the native populace as subhuman. It’s the only way to do what they do and not feel enormous, crushing guilt about it.

    It’s a horrible thing to kill and displace and imprison people, and everyone knows it. But when you view them as savages, as a lesser race, it becomes a noble thing to destroy them. It’s the same way that mass killings and mass repression are justified everywhere. From Gaza, to Indonesia, to Armenia to the holocaust. It’s okay to exterminate those who are beneath you. It just becomes another job.

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