How are there still people on the fence at this point?

How are there still people on the fence at this point?

Posted by Reciter5613

  1. There’s always been a high number of undecides at this point before an election. Social media is new, but disinformation, misinformation, sensationalism and apathy aren’t. People will often say they’re undecided but vote (or often enough not vote) for the party the voted for last time.

  2. I always assume “Undecided” means “We vote for evil but are too embarrassed to admit it out loud” so I just count them as GOP at this point.

  3. The main type of undecided voters are the ones who still haven’t decided between voting and not voting. Neither campaign is going to convert the other side’s voters, and almost nobody is potentially in play for both sides.

  4. Lot of Americans live in remote places, don’t get all the media and interactions. It takes time.

  5. It’s like deciding between an orgasm or ball cancer.

    I didn’t spend a lot of time on this one.

  6. Someone told me Harris was a full-on communist yesterday. I was honestly just shell-shocked.

  7. For some, lower taxes are desirable. For others, blatant racism is desirable. Both are willing to endure an incompetent leader to get what they want.

  8. Because they think they’re just currently inconvenienced future millionaires, who will one day need Republican tax policy.

  9. These are voters that honestly do not know anything/very little about the candidates as crazy as that seems.

  10. CNN had a panel of undecided voters last night after Harris’ speech.

    I want to say there were 10 of them. 8 of them got swayed to Harris. One guy said “she ain’t ready. She didn’t lay out a plan. She can run again in 4 years.”

    So maybe this guy is just misogynistic, or maybe he didn’t know Trump has proposed on several occasions that he stop future elections. So I don’t think shaming misogynists is going to be effective because they will be offended and double down. It would be more effective to try to get this guy to understand that his right to vote may go away.

    There was another woman that said she doesn’t like either of them.
    I would say for folks like that, she could use a history lesson about suffrage and how recent the right to vote is. Another thing to highlight is that: if your party never puts forth a woman candidate and you never vote for a woman, there will never be a woman president.

  11. Yesterday we were watching the news before the Harris speech and they were talking about what undecided voters needed to hear from her. It really struck me to think about who these people are that will listen to a political speech and be swayed but somehow haven’t been turned off by trump yet. I don’t think these people exist. There might be apathetic voters that need motivation. But I don’t believe many people in 2024 are getting flipped by discussions of policy. Anyone even considering voting for trump has other priorities not addressed in any policy discussions.

  12. Exactly this. It’s not that hard, if you like the results of the current policies, and if you’re happy with the way things are and the way things are going domestically and abroad, then re-elect the current administration.

  13. Bewilders me as well.

    What in this cult’s thinking makes them believe their future will be better with Trump as opposed to Harris? Do they not read? Listen? Do they not look at past policy … he *told* you he doesn’t care about you and wants your vote!

    I heard someone say, “I like his economic policy.” Okay … which one? They looked like a deer in the headlights … no clue.

  14. Honestly it’s the 40% who are solid for Trump that I don’t understand. Swing voters have always been insane.

  15. Someone once told me, “undecided voters are politically uneducated, while MAGA are politically misinformed.”

  16. Because Faux news says the Trump castle has more sunshine and pleasant weather, and the undecided think that might be true

  17. Better question is how can anyone support trump. There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance on the right.

  18. Every time I hear someone talk8ng about their trump vote, they just drank the “they’re coming for me now, theyre coming for you next!” Kool aid

  19. If you’re still undecided at this point, you’re either willfully ignorant or delusional.

  20. I don’t get it but I don’t get why anyone would vote for Trump either. This will be my first election voting for a Democrat because it appears doing a protest Libertarian vote (that has become too common) might be disastrous. and won’t give the unnoticed message I want to send: Donald Trump is unworthy and the Republican party has become unworthy.

    I do not want all the anti-gun legislation that is going to happen during the next 4 years but I will survive and battle against it. I will be able to do that knowing my nation is in hands that will not surrender it or embarrass it on the world stage or pick upon those it does not like here at home even though those disliked perform no harm.

  21. It’s not a funny image or meme. Just you endorsing the Dems.

    Isn’t there a sub for democratic cycle jerk?

    Disclaimer: I have no stakes in this election because I am a european guy, but I would vote blue if I could.

  22. I think so many people ignore how effective Trump is at tapping into populist anger. It’s completely misplaced and often built on lies. However, it gave rise to the Tea Party and MAGA.

  23. I’m also concerned about the pro Palestine people that are not voting to protest the vote. We are all pro Palestine but I don’t understand that they don’t understand potentially handing Trump the election would make things a lot worse for Palestine. Trump is part of the group that said they want to turn Palestine into a parking lot. This is a protest that will make the situation far worse for innocent Palestinians . It’s a loose loose protest.
    If they want to protest get Kamala in the White House and turn Congress a majority blue and then protest the new government. That would be the smart way to do it. Or am I wrong?

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