Problem Meets Solution

Problem Meets Solution

Posted by Stickfigurewisdom

  1. RFK Jr. is going to be like the circus sideshow. They need one of those hand-painted Freak Show posters… SEE THE BRAINLESS WORM MAN!

  2. ‘Send him to go get some donuts so he looks like a normal guy’


    ‘RFK, Jr fucks bear in donut shop after snorting 3 lines of cinnamon.

    How this is bad for Democrats’

  3. JD, I upgraded the VP to a finger fucking, worm brained baby bear dumping couch fucker.

  4. You go have an awkward encounter ordering donuts, I’m gonna rub shit all over my face and go speak a dozen or so people at the border.

    Whew, we sure dodged the ‘weird’ bullet this time.

  5. ABC news tonight… “Some wacko who eats roadkill & has Brain Worms endorses Trump… Why this is a devastating blow to the Harris campaign.”

  6. Getting the “worms ate my brain” guy to accept your payment of a job after he famously was willing to shill for Kamala for a job, sure will boost your numbers.

  7. Let’s ask the guy that admitted, he had a brain worm eat a piece of his brain. What the hell could go wrong!

  8. Remember when Joe Rogan said he liked RFK Jr because he was honest and meant everything he said? That aged so beautifully.

  9. It gets ever weirder! The RNC was definitely sad and weird with creepy guests. The DNC was a very happy and friendly welcoming place!

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