RFK Jr. bizarrely defends Jeffrey Epstein meetings by listing other “sexual predators” he met

RFK Jr. bizarrely defends Jeffrey Epstein meetings by listing other “sexual predators” he met


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. You don’t double down on 16…

    “So – I hear you knew John Wayne Gacy?”

    “Yes. But I also knew Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, the Green River Killer. Met the BTK guy at a party once.”

  2. Lol here we go. RFK endorsed Trump and now the machine is winding up to attack him, but was totally silent on him until now

  3. Boy, Kamala really missed out on a golden opportunity to get this guy on board and give him a plum spot on her cabinet! Secretary of Brain Parasites, or Roadkill Czar, or something really in his wheelhouse.

  4. “I knew Harvey Weinstein. I knew Roger Ailes. I knew—OJ Simpson came to my house. Bill Cosby came to my house”

    How do you people not understand the point here

  5. “Pah!!! I know lots of sex predators!” Really isn’t the flex you need in that situation Wormy…….q

  6. The wild (see: weird) part to me is when MAGA gives the whole “What about Bill Clinton?” thing…NOBODY is defending him.

    If he was there, lock his ass up too. Matter of fact, if my best friend or my parent were there, yes, lock them up for life as well.

    That conversation tells me all I need to know about someone.

  7. Ok ok ok so we haaaaave one presidential candidate who’s a criminal, pedo and sexual harasser coupled with a new BFF who has a worm in his fucking head. And now Bob the Worm says hanging out with other pedos and sexual harassers is cool? Ok ok got it. 😳

  8. Fking disgusting. I feel bad for Bobby Kennedy knowing his son is an embarrassing vile pos

  9. RFK Jr has to make Jeffrey Epstein seem normal to justify his alliance with sexual predator Donald Trump

  10. He should get together with those politicians from Virginia that passed a bill to eat road kill.

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