Let this be the last Trump election.

Let this be the last Trump election.

Posted by Kieduss

  1. He’s an evil POS but we can compare literally anyone to Adolf. Please don’t mention them in the same sentence

  2. May we have the equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials in America in 2025.

    Make that the Democratic version of Project 2025 Revised.

    It would only be Democracy fighting for itself, like chemotherapy.

  3. He’s gonna try to run in 2028, isn’t he? After he finishes probation and house arrest, hopefully.

  4. It’s like the people here in Texas calling for secession (“Texit”), then calling themselves patriots. You can be one or the other, but a patriotic secessionist is a contradiction of terms.

  5. He doesn’t want to win, if he loses he can keep grifting his supporters. The next republican president will pardon any federal crimes if Trump is still alive.

  6. “I was just following orders.” was not the flex they thought it would be at the ~~Nuremberg~~ Florida Trials.

  7. Let this be the last Republican election. For a party to throw its support behind someone like Trump is revealing.

  8. He says it will be the last election if he wins, there will be no reason to vote again. Dictators don’t give up power. So win or lose, it will be his last election.

  9. White Christian nationalists blindly following their dictator, hard to tell if they’re talking about Hitler or Trump. Republicans banning gender studies, burning books, banning secular education and forcing Christian Bible into schools, again just as the Nazis did.

    “Secular schools can never be tolerated because such a school has no religious instruction and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . We need believing people.”
    ~~Adolf Hitler~~

  10. We can only hope he’ll be out of commission by the time another 4 years have gone by. These attempted coups are getting old.

  11. Where the nazi sympathizers de-programmed or did they just crawl back under the woodpile in shame for the rest of their lives?

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