Trump’s mental and policy gymnastics.

Trump’s mental and policy gymnastics.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. Remember when he did a 180° and supported LGBTQ rights and hung em out to dry. Don’t believe the snake.

  2. …and he’s going to have better comprehensive medical care better that Obama Care any day now!

  3. 100% true!

    Under Trump, women won’t ever need to worry about reproductive rights… since they won’t have any !

  4. In great for tRump for removing women’s reproductive rights? How long until he removes their right to vote?

  5. Says the guy who with a straight face. actually said “What you’re seeing isn’t what’s really happening!”

  6. If his mouth is moving then he’s lying. People are like no he said he doesn’t support project 2025. I don’t give af what he said, everything he says is bullshit and everything he touches turns to shit.

  7. *On her way to work one morning,*

    *Down the path alongside the lake,*

    *A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake.*

    *His pretty-colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.*

    *“Oh well,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you.”*

    *“Take me in oh tender woman,*

    *“Take me in, for heaven’s sake,*

    *“Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake.*

    *She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk*

    *And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk .*

    *Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived.*

    *She found that pretty snake she’d taken in had been revived.*

    *“Take me in, oh tender woman ,*

    *“Take me in, for heaven’s sake,*

    *“Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake.*

    *Now she clutched him to her bosom, “You’re so beautiful,” she cried.*

    *“But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you might have died.”*

    *Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight .*

    *But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite.*

    *“Take me in, oh tender woman,*

    *“Take me in, for heaven’s sake,*

    *“Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake.*

    *“I saved you,” cried that woman.*

    *“And you’ve bit me even, why?*

    *“You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die.”*

    *“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin,*

    *“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in,*

    *”Take me in, oh tender woman,*

  8. Like he said he would for LGBTQ and then left them in the lurch as soon as he got their vote and was done with them.

  9. Of course he will as he proudly says he was the one that overthrew Roe v Wade.

    But the American people disagree with Trump’s position on abortions.

    **About six-in-ten (63%) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.**

    Send Trump to prison in 2024 wgere he belongs.. After all, the only reason he’s running to be POTUS is to keep himself out of prison.

    * REGISTER to vote.
    * Check your registration!
    * Make sure you have approriate ID.
    * Know your polling site.
    * Check your voter registration signature (if a mail-in ballot is used).
    * Get a mail-in ballot.
    * And VOTE (early, if possible)!

    Election Protection Hotline – 1(866)-OUR-VOTE

    [Federal]( – 800-253-3931

    Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Hsrris-Walz and democrats down ballot. **Country before party.**

  10. My brain just had Olivander’s voice float through my mind:

    “Trump did great things… Terrible, but geat.”

  11. Aside from the part about 12 year olds being forced to have rape and incest babies, no birth control, limited healthcare and all the other freedoms republicans will be taking away.

  12. He doesn’t even understand that he fucked IVF in any state that as declared a single fertilised cell is a human being. He is too fucking “thick as shit” to realise that reproductive support is already banned (as no medical professional can risk the death penalty for creating fertilised cells in a test tube, so they will not do IVF in those states). The fucking dipshit doesn’t have the brain power to realise that he killed contraception when he was duped into stuffing the SCOTUS with Nazis. I almost feel sorry for the smooth brained Trump as he does understand the havoc he has caused. Nothing is as simple as Trump would believe, but nothing is as simple as Trump.

  13. He means that all the sex workers he impregnates after refusing to wear a condom will still be able to get abortions.

  14. You had your chance, too late to walk back all your words and actions. You overturned roe vs. wade and you were flaunting it proudly all over the media so fuck off all the way to hell and when you get there you can fuck off again.

  15. Of course it will be, because kept women do what the fuck they’re told (or else) in Donald Trump’s fantasy world.

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