Trump biographer says ex-president could lose ‘at least half of his net worth’ in November

Trump biographer says ex-president could lose ‘at least half of his net worth’ in November

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. My vote is for him to lose everything. Hopefully, he will get fed, clothed and housed for free – in the big house.

  2. I was saying this recently.

    We have an unofficial betting market exclusively for Trump supporters.

    The DJT stock price is emblematic of their confidence in his electoral fortunes.

    They all know if he loses in November that stock is worth $0.

    If he wins, the sky is the limit for the Cult President’s Social Media platform stock.

  3. Didn’t know he even had a net worth, what with all his begging for money from his cult members.

  4. Or it will quadruple.  A second 4 year term would make him a billionaire multiple times over because the life long public servants that kept the bumpers on him the first term will be gone.

  5. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster in the past 45 days. I really thought we were headed towards another 8 years of Trump. 4 years in the beginning and 4 more when he declared himself king. I’m so glad there’s hope again. I hope Kamala will put some preventive measures in place if given the opportunity. Don’t make it unfair or bias towards either side, just cut the crap.

  6. one way or another the campaign grift machine will stop in November. if he looses, they won’t fund him, if he somehow wins, why keep funding him to the current extent?

  7. i guess selling america didn’t pay off. what an irrational thing to do, running for president, being corrupt, all to loose money ultimately.

  8. Let the red sparrow get him? 😆😆😆. Putin may activate one? Putin is probably tired of dumpster and may send greetings. Russia and Putin don’t mess around.

  9. Half is not enough. 100% net worth plus 20 years of prison time sounds good. I’m not a judge, I just play one on the internet.

  10. At this point. I want actual verifiable numbers. Everything about his worth is heavily reliant on speculation. Who gives a shit what he’s lost? He’s stolen far more grifting than he’s ever earned legitimately.

  11. Every single penny,every thing he owns should be seized and used to pay his fines and judgements against him.

  12. He’s pretty broke as it is. He burns through millions on a monthly basis and is not worth anywhere near what he pretends to be when boasting about his wealth. I predict that after he loses the election, the hammer will swiftly come down on him in the form of his sentencing to prison for his crimes in New York. Eventually he’ll face trial in Georgia for election interference and the other upcoming trials, where again, he will be found guilty. He’ll spend the rest of his life going back and forth from prison to court, facing trial for the other 27 state investigations around the country he’s facing for insurance and tax fraud, among other things he’s being investigated for. He’ll wind up dead or bankrupt. Which one happens first is merely anecdotal. I just want to see it.

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