JD Vance somehow disappearing from the ticket due to getting removed, dropping out, or falling out of the sky in 3, 2…

My guess is it will be due to "poor maintenance" in Epstein's old plane

Posted by carc

  1. “The problem is, he went FULL Futon. Everybody knows you don’t ever go full futon. Look at Forest Gump… 1/2 Park Bench… but Vance… Vance… he went FULL futon!”

  2. They’re just going to do the sitcom thing where they just never acknowledge that Vance existed. He just disappears.

  3. JD Vance is an objectively bad politician. The guy is so awkward that I want to give him a pity screw and I’m a dude.

  4. I work at a print shop that printed a ton of Trump/Vance yard signs when he was picked. If he gets dropped, it will be the funniest moment of my life.

  5. Sorry, Don. You picked Vance so now you have to carry him to full term.

    Seriously, Trump would not dump Vance for Bobby the Anti-vaxxer. RFKjr is not obsequious enough for Trump’s taste. Vance will lick Trump’s shoes. As weird and dumb as Trump is he knows Bobby is weirder. Trump will use Bobby to try to get him the anti-vax vote and imply he’ll get a job in the administration. Even if Trump wins he’s not going to let a celebrity hog like Bobby upstage him.

  6. Hol up what’s going on lol?

    Are we gonna get a Coach Walz vs brainworm debate?? Because lmfao

  7. I don’t know, if he drops Vance he may lose billionare money. Of course they may have decided to cut their losses on JV also.

  8. Just choosing him in the first place is more than enough to counter any benefit he might get from ditching him now. Yes?

  9. Except they have a problem. Vance was on the primary ticket. They’re stuck with him.

  10. Vance’s out will be to self-righteously proclaim that he wants to “spend more time with his family.”

  11. Is this actually a possibility? I know it’s been mentioned, but never heard anything that might even be a rumor about it happening.

  12. Proceeds for the Sept. 5 event, which is selling tickets starting at $1,500 and is billed as the “J6 Awards Gala. Hanging JD is just a rumor the Gallows are just a prop.

    An event organizer, said “President Trump is 99.99% going to be there.”
    Trump’s campaign telling multiple outlets he will not attend the event. But will be there with you in thought you as you walk into the event.

  13. And the FIRST THING out of Kamala’s mouth if this happens is


    Oh wait. No, no it won’t.

  14. I mean, he’s on the ballot now and nominated. Can he be removed?

    And I don’t know anyone sane who would consider RFK Jr on the ticket and think they’ll get more votes.

  15. Wait, what happened? Last thing I heard about him was his painfully awkward donut store interaction

  16. Yes, replace him with the guy who sounds like he’s choking constantly, that’ll get those swing voters and misophoniacs

  17. You see, as Trump said… the VP doesn’t really matter all that much. It’s all really just about who’s running for president. May as well be Trump & Wet Carrot 2024 lol

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