Jesse Watters thoughts on the DNC

Jesse Watters thoughts on the DNC

Posted by ki77erb

  1. It seems like everyday they act out the quote from Orwell’s book 1984: “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

  2. This guy has a prettier face than Tucker but he is nowhere near as effective at bullshitting.

  3. Showing video of the DNC going wild while Watters is trying to discredit the convention shows how full of shit watters & fox is.

  4. What is “the lines were long, and the seats were empty,” even supposed to imply? Assuming he’s talking about lines to get in, wouldn’t that just completely undermine the claim the seats are empty?

  5. I remember when he reporter guy from V for Vendetta felt over the top and now we’re living in through it.

  6. I watched his “coverage” and all the footage he showed while talking was of people in the building before the convention started. Fox used footage of the early hours before the convention began when people who wanted to get there early were just milling about and waiting for the festivities to begin. Just pandering to the base because they know there is no actual fact checking amongst republicans.

  7. I went Thursday. The lines were long but moved quickly. It was more packed than a Stanley cup playoffs game. I’ve been to both now and can say the DNC was noticeably more crowded.

  8. Jeese must have had the TV turned off. It’s one thing not to like something but to do a bold face lie is something else.

  9. “The lines were long” and “the seats were empty” are contradictions. Only one could be true.

  10. I like that it’s clear Watters’ own mom thinks he’s a clown and loves Kamala.

  11. Media mercenaries do not choose what to say. They simply parrot whatever is given to them and grab their paycheck, and put the money where their soul used to be.

  12. The fucking clip john Stewart showed of him saying that with the dj dancing next to his head XD Jesse has to know he’s a fuckin joke

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