Opinion: Ignore my brother Bobby, Max Kennedy says

Trump was exactly the kind of arrogant, entitled bully my father used to prosecute. Robert F. Kennedy’s life was dedicated to promoting the safety, security and happiness of the American people. That is why he would have so admired another former prosecutor, Kamala Harris. Her career, like his, has been all about decency, dignity, equality, democracy and justice for all.

Trump is the enemy of all that. The only thing he seems to be for is himself and, disturbingly, autocrats such as Vladimir Putin, whom my father would have regarded as an existential threat to our country.

Yet my brother now endorses Trump. To pledge allegiance to Trump, a man who demonstrates no adherence to our family’s values, is inconceivable to me.

Worse, it is sordid. Earlier this month, as Harris surged in the polls, my brother offered her his endorsement in exchange for a position in her coming administration. He got no response.

Now he has offered that same deal to Trump. His is a hollow grab for power, a strategic attempt at relevance. It is the opposite of what my father admired.

-Max Kennedy


Posted by yurinacult

  1. I believe your brother is the bravest man alive for stepping forward to help save America. He stands strong on what his uncle and father believed. You are wrong for making a horrible decision to stand against him. You of all people should know what is in store for our country should this woman get into office. It saddens me that you would make such comments about your brother and you sir should be ashamed of yourself.

  2. The whole Kennedy family came out and said RFK Jr does not represent the values of their name.

  3. To me, anything short of the Kennedy family completely cutting RFK Jr off and out of the family is not enough!

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