‘I’m the Ratings Machine!’ Trump blows up on critics of his fumbling Fox News phone call

‘I’m the Ratings Machine!’ Trump blows up on critics of his fumbling Fox News phone call


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. I’m not sure he can make it through the election cycle without having an aneurism or heart attack

  2. “I don’t call you…you call ME! I’m the RATING MACHINE”.

    This is so cliche, I saw it as an SNL skit. “I put my pants on one leg at a time, same as you. Only then I go out and make gold records. More cowbell!”

  3. 78 year old Malignant Narcissist who rage tweets at 3am! Yeah let’s elect him President!

  4. 🤢🤮. I’m so tired of this bloviated, narcissistic, lying asshole. Will he ever be gone from our lives?!

  5. Is this the interview where he couldn’t figure out how to use his phone and kept pushing buttons? Great for ratings!

  6. He is losing it and I love it. He hardly even seems to be campaigning at this point. Of course, he has no money and cities probably want paid in advance for his rallies now.

  7. Talk about ratings. I’m surprised he hasn’t come out to say the DNC viewership rating were faked/adulterated yet. We know it’s probably grinding his gears that DNC rated higher than the RNC

  8. Honest Question: I wonder if we track FOX news ratings if that is a barometer to what the election results will be? Almost like polling data.

  9. Because they hung up on him? That even Fuck You News has had enough of his blathering? That call?

    Even fox knows he’s screwed now

  10. He boasts about ratings, but the NYT criticizes Harris for not talking about policies. What are Trump’s policy positions exactly? Besides drill, baby, drill….

  11. “I’m the ratings machine”

    So is a clown who constantly embarrasses himself. Coincidence?

  12. He doesn’t care one iota about helping the American people. Never did. We all know that he originally had two reasons for running for President. One, to keep himself out of prison as indictments were pending. Two, to further enrich himself and his family without any oversight. The actual everyday job of President meant nothing. He fell asleep in cabinet meetings. He had to have morning briefings dumbed down so he could understand them. He would wake up, tweet, watch Fox News, and stumble into the Oval Office around noon. He rarely read anything official. His lackeys ran everything while he played golf and made business deals.

    He visited his properties 547 times during his presidency. Secret Service agents were required to stay at his hotels in order to protect him, being charged 5 times the government rate. Dignitaries and foreign leaders were also required to stay at his properties, charging exorbitant rates.

  13. The thing is, in this rare instance, he’s right. I’m reminded of a scene from Private Parts, the Howard Stern book and movie, where Howard’s boss, who hates him, is looking over the ratings book and it says the people who say they love him tune in for 1 hour every single day. People who say they hate him tune in for an hour and a half.

    That’s Trump. He says some batshit outlandish lie and his sycophants hang on every word, and people who hate him spend hours tearing that lie apart. News programs gave him endless free publicity pre-2016 because he was always good for ratings, lies and all. Eight years later, the news programs have learned nothing, and our society crumbles from disinformation.

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