Harris Campaign Says It’s Raised $540 Million and Saw a Surge of Donations During the DNC

Harris Campaign Says It’s Raised $540 Million and Saw a Surge of Donations During the DNC


Posted by guyoffthegrid

  1. “Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign says it has now raised $540 million for its election battle against Republican nominee former President Donald Trump.

    The campaign has had no problems getting supporters to open their wallets since President Joe Biden announced on July 21 he was ending his campaign and quickly endorsed Harris. The campaign said it saw a surge of donations during last week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago where Harris and her vice presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, accepted their nominations.

    “Just before Vice President Harris’ acceptance speech Thursday night, we officially crossed the $500 million mark,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon wrote in a memo released by the campaign on Sunday.”

  2. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Reuters (A): [Harris raises $540 million since launching her presidential campaign](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/harris-raises-540-million-since-launching-her-presidential-campaign-2024-08-25/)
    – Axios (B+): [Harris campaign says it has raised $540 million since launch](https://www.axios.com/2024/08/25/harris-walz-campaign-fundraising-dnc)
    – ABC News (B+): [Harris raised $82 million during DNC, $540 million since launch, campaign says ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/harris-raised-82-million-dnc-540-million-launch/story?id=113127812)
    – PBS (A-): [Harris has raised $540 million and saw a surge of donations during DNC, campaign says](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/harris-has-raised-540-million-and-saw-a-surge-of-donations-during-dnc-campaign-says)

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  3. It’s all down to a few counties in a few swing states.

    Vote. Help people to vote.

  4. Excellent ..still 10s of thousands of homeless people living on the streets and under bridges and you are poised to spend half a billion dollars to run against a rapist, casino bankrupting, lying, racist pos.

  5. If you’re looking to donate where it will make the most impact, don’t forget our good friends in Texas, Florida, and many other key battleground states who are fighting the good fight with much less funding

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