Listen to Republican H.R. McMaster straight-up confirm the basis of the *first* Trump impeachment: that Trump stalled critical military aid for Ukraine to try to get election dirt on the Bidens. Sheesh.

Listen to Republican H.R. McMaster straight-up confirm the basis of the *first* Trump impeachment: that Trump stalled critical military aid for Ukraine to try to get election dirt on the Bidens. Sheesh.

Posted by newzee1

  1. Ok This is I. 2020 or ? Either way how so n how did u obtain this information too? I question the validity of it too I dislike Trump n voting against him too I also like see proof it’s easy start propaganda one against another n in todays Soviet it’s acceptable now that the CRAZY thing about the whole thing too so I really wish they not print misdirection n slandering cause it’s not needed nor acceptable in politics if your leading country n people of USA cause in older days he’d not of gotten b pres n or he might have been shot or imprisoned him for his actions too n he’d not b able run in a real expectation of our god fathers when writing constitution n amendments n I know TRUMPs character not acceptable n wouldn’t matter cause in older days we shot people for less than TRUMP did so he not b in question he b out politics for good n should be named for life due to rape charge its crime against partner or other sex n it’s domestic violence n A PERSON CANT B SOLDIER OR SERVE MILITARY IN SNY WAY SHAPE FORM BUT HE CAN B PRESIDENT BUT NOT SOLDIER ? This not make sense a person not qualified b in military but can b president HE EVEN SAID IT ON TAPE IN MEDIA CAMERAS IN ONE HIS MANY STATEMENTS HOW R GOVERNMENT IS WEAK N DISFUNCTIONAL TOO so I see how don’t ask DONT tell has infected our navy it’s unheard of or imagined in 1776+ they never of imagined it so they not write in constitution about transgender n military or amendments too this forsure so I think Don’t ask don’t tell needs FIXED N REVAMPED N RID THE NAVY OF THESE MEN WEARING SKIRTS N JEWELRY IN INIFORM N ON DECK OF SHIPS !!! What r we telling our children n what u telling the enemy too?IM SORRY BUT WE NEED FIX YHOSE N THE MANY OTHER PROBLEMS IN SENATE N CONGRESS THAT R OLD N JUST FILLING SEATS FOR CONTROL OF VOTES N THE TOO OLD LEGISLATURE N TO FO JOB THERE NEEDS B AGE LIMITS N OR TERMS TO CONTROL SEAT FILLING N VOTE CONTROLING SINCE WE CANT TRUST OUR FELLOW MEN N WOMEN IN POLITICS TODAY so God help us n protect us in Jesus mam I pray n ask

  2. Non US person here. How can somebody be impeached twice over, stand for reelection again? Would he not do shit again because there is no real penalty?

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