How The Harris Campaign is Exposing Trump as The Felonious Washed-Up Clown He Really Is

How The Harris Campaign is Exposing Trump as The Felonious Washed-Up Clown He Really Is

How The Harris Campaign is Exposing Trump as The Felonious Washed-Up Clown He Really Is

Posted by inewser

  1. He’s gonna croak on his golden toilet like a dollar-store version of Fat Elvis before the election…

  2. Trump’s not a formidable adversary, but a senile has-been whose claim to power is as threadbare as his policies.
    His advanced age and mounting legal troubles—including a staggering 34 felony charges—have made him a walking emblem of decline and dysfunction.
    At 78, he’s less a potent political force and more a cautionary tale of a once-powerful man whose cruelty has become tiresome and his antics downright embarrassing.

  3. Wussy the Weirdo is the laughing stock of the of the civilized world! No decent human being wants a Drumpf redux.

  4. If any trump supporters met trump without knowing it was him they would hate him. A make up covered idiot who has never done anything wrong. They would hate him and have all kinds of names for him. Why do they follow this washed up make up wearing weak man?

  5. I can’t wait for this to be over and the Orange Felon gets obliterated! Americans, vote like your life depends on it, cause it does.

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