How pathetic can you get?

How pathetic can you get?

Posted by Lord_Bags

  1. Weird how all the Russian assets are backing Trump. It’s almost like they all have something in common.

  2. I can’t wait to see the headlines about Trump flipping another Dem ignoring that Tulsi stopped pretending to be a Dem years ago and was very clearly another Putin plant.

  3. PSA: im going on the record today and announcing that I will not be endorsing Trump. Carry on…

  4. Not true! Some jack wagon in the Jordan Peterson sub was commenting about how hot she is.

  5. “I was on the fence about Trump before, but if Tulsi endorses him, then that’s good enough for me to vote for him in November” – Nobody Ever

  6. This scene changed my life. Adopting this philosophy has opened so many doors to new experiences……..

  7. And RFK. No one gives a fuck about these dumb spoiler candidates after what happened to Sanders.

  8. It does one thing, this news. It confirms that Tusli is as useful as a football bat.

  9. Can someone please summarize the Russian connections for me? I have a buddy who likes her and is convinced the Russian stuff is DNC propaganda

  10. I’m not making a comment on the endorsement but her being put on that tsa watch list is ridiculous.

  11. He still can’t get the endorsement of his former VP. People from his administration have endorsed his opponent, and even spoken at the DNC.

  12. Surely people have made up their minds now and the result will come down to who is bothered or able to vote on the day and voter suppression tactics.

  13. I actually used to like her which seems crazy now. She must see an easy gravy train to relevancy since her only real outlet is Rogan’s podcast.

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