Harris camp calls Trump’s bluff on debate

Harris camp calls Trump’s bluff on debate


Posted by Quirkie

  1. she’s literally trying to change the rules of the debates, because she needs a cheat sheet to help her. everyone, including her team, knows she can’t talk without a script. she’s being a chicken shit.

  2. Hopefully, Kamala shows up and tRump chicken out. I would proceed on, without him.

    Maybe just put a chair out there, and she can recreate the Clint Eastwood bit… Never mind, that’s just weird. We’ll leave that to the other side!

  3. Cardboard cutout Trump would probably do better in the debate.

    At least it won’t yell out crazy and dangerous nonsense.

  4. About time someone started treating this guy like the whiny bitch he is. In my book, rapists don’t get to set the rules. I know the MAGA cult members disagree.

  5. Letting Kamala go out unopposed would be a disaster.  Not speaking has been her strong suit. 

  6. Okay, if he doesn’t show they just have a wall of his typical responses and talking points. When it would be his turn to speak a monkey can fling a hamburder at said wall. Whatever response the hamburder hits is Drump’s response. Case closed. Win for all involved.

  7. God he is such a liar. She is an amazing orator and has the potential to run circles around him. That video of her responding to that senators questions that was posted yesterday shows that she is able to think on her feet as well as has pretty amazing recall for details. I think he should be afraid.

  8. More gaslighting. She flip flops on the rules. Then get mad when Trump calls her out on her BS.

    This is ridiculous.

  9. Harris wants to have notes? Isn’t it enough that ABC will probably give her the questions ahead of time? Trump is a chump , but he can argue for hours without notes. Come unarmed Harris. We are waiting……

  10. Oh no. Hope he shows and she wipes the floor with his ass. I used to love to listen to him on stern just never knew he was a big of pos as he really is.

  11. She should refuse any debate with this asshole here on out.

    She also should ignore the press Fox?CNN/MSNBC because they are more concerned about their god damn ratings than proving his plethora of lies.

    Watching this dumbass read the tele[prompter and parroting this shit like he thougyht of it is sickening.

    Democrat’s better get there shit together and develop at strategy to tackle the 100’s of people that have been hired to disrupt the vote. Dem’s cam lose this by losing 200K voters where Republican’s challenge their validity.

  12. He is so obvious in his projecting. HE doesn’t want to debate. HE is not a good debater.

    He does this in almost every attack he makes. Telegraphing his thoughts

  13. The monitors need to make sure he understands the rules. His Mike will be turned on only when he’s talking ( or rambling ) then shut off while Kamala answers her question.
    No interrupting- or talking over the other candidate . 2
    Warnings and on the third infraction then your Mike is shut off permanently.

  14. #🚫🍊🐔💩



    Any supporter of Trump is pro-rape, and is a danger to all children.

    Only shitnuggets who want to marry children will reply in defence of the orange turd.

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