Nervous Trump Terrified to Debate Kamala Harris and Desperately Wants a Way Out, ‘He Really Doesn’t Want to Do It’

Nervous Trump Terrified to Debate Kamala Harris and Desperately Wants a Way Out, ‘He Really Doesn’t Want to Do It’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. He’s never debated anyone in the first place. He just shows up at debates and runs his mouth. He’s never answered a direct question or demonstrated comprehensive understanding of any subject including the fundamental aspects of debate itself. We are all better off not having to listen to his drivel.

  2. Trump is freaking TERRIFIED of debating Kamala. Like, he knows she’s a former prosecutor, former DA, etc., etc. He knows he doesn’t have a chance. Plus his own PEOPLE keep telling him that he can’t be himself, that he has to focus on policy. Trump has no policy. Trump’s policy is “TRUMP IS GREAT”, and that’s it. Or “two scoops for Trump, one scoop for everyone else”. Or “that’s a DOUBLE quarter pounder with cheese, not the regular quarter pounder!”. Because you just know Trump smells of meat sweats.

    When he gets on that stage, damp and stinky from flop sweat, and calls Kamala “Comrade Kamala”, I pray Kamala asks Trump to define Communism. Then to define Marxism and explain how they are different. I would slice off my pinky toe to see that. He would try to spin it and talk around it…but maybe “Liddle’ George Slopadopolus” would hold him to it and make him answer. And seriously, “Slopadopolus”? The man is about to be an octogenarian…not an EIGHT year old. And MAGAs really find that funny? Or do they cringe in private?

    All I know is I am hopeful. For the first time in a LONG LONG TIME. The enthusiasm is contagious and dag nabbit, I think Kamala and Tim can pull this off!!!

  3. Itll be the first time we see a candidate slump down on stage to beg the other candidate to just let it be over

  4. He can’t pull that Gish Gallop routine on her that he unleashed (and used successfully) on Biden. And he has nothing else!

  5. He wants more than anything for it to be November 6th so he can claim he was the winner actually whine and complain about imaginary fraud and how unfair it all was and be the victim of the most historic election crime in history in the rightwing victimsphere

  6. POS Piece’a Orange Shit! “Ear infected… from shooter… can’t hear! What?”

  7. Trump is like that hugely popular one hit wonder band that came up in the early aughts… Had their single in a Mountain Dew commercial and cashed in on being in exactly the right place at the right time… Still plays county fairs and has a loyal base but everyone is waiting for the follow up album that’s never going to come.

  8. As soon as trump does something or acts a certain way, I will literally see a post from a Trumper with the same exact accusation, but with kamala’s name instead. The projection is so bold.

  9. Trump can’t debate all he did with the debate with Biden is lie attack name calling I don’t think he answered any questions he just went on a rambling rant that didn’t make sense and he knows he can’t get away with it with Harris. Everyone needs to keep calling him a coward because he’s not going to show up his ego won’t be able to take it and he’ll show up and be the babbling lying bafoon he is. We can sit back and watch him sweat so much his makeup runs off like Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye while little pieces of crushed up speed or cocaine shoot out his nose.

  10. DT is figuring out how many times he can say and use “Tremendous” in every half baked broken sentence, with no logical sense nor meaning.

    We should play Drink every time he uses a adjective.

  11. Can’t wait to see this. This is going to be a train wreck for him. Harris will run him off the tracks.

  12. Because he does not have the ability to debate her. He should be scared, because that will be a major embarrassment.

  13. Not running would have been a valid option, but you chose to do it, so show up. Moron

  14. The echo chamber that is r/conservati** is busy pushing a lie Kamala is the one afraid to debate and not trump. The link is from a Russian site so toxic I won’t post it here to save y’all malware issues but it is pretty far up in their posts. Completely fabricated reality thanks to propagandists. That shit needs to be outlawed ASAP. A new fairness doctrine needs to be our next big push as a nation. Before we are all rendered just useful puppets for those with the most money.

  15. He’s going to fake another assassination attempt or threat then claim it’s a security issue.

  16. Kamala needs to refer to him as “Don” during the debate. It’s a trigger for him.

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