“Laporta has to resign, he’s a problem for the club’s future. I’ll speak with socis and groups to see what they’re feeling and what they want. If the socis ask me to present a motion of censure, I will”, says former presidential candidate Jordi Farre.

by This-Kaleidoscope-70

  1. there’s always some asshole going for personal gain from rough times. It’s never with the intention to help anyone but themselves first

  2. Watch us win LaLiga, CdR and UCL semis, see how Laporta will be seen then lol

    And no, I’m not delusional, it’s just a scenario

  3. He is actually right. Laporta is selling the club in pieces to fulfil his wishes and aspirations. The solution was to lower expectations for 3 years and reduce the debt. But he preferred to apply ‘levers’ and sell parts of the club, selling us the story that we can win the champions and sign big names. He’s by miles better than Barto, but he’s also a nepotic and selfish lawyer that prefers to bring his friends and see how the directive leaves. Also tired of fans pretending he was the solution. Let’s find new names to the presidency.

    Also, not a fan of Victor Font and Jordi Farre

  4. The reality is that the likes of Farre and Font would shit themselves dealing with Negreira case, Tebas’ antics and the constant pressure from domestic and foreign press. Laporta is the man for these cases; l just wish he was patient and didn’t want to bring Barca back to the top way sooner than it’s rational. If he kept someone like Alemany close to himself for squad building and he worked on other stuff, it would have been great.

  5. Jordi Farre looool. Ask Mr.Farre why he didn’t participate in the vote of no confidence against bartomeu in 2017 and 2019.

  6. Yes, Laporta and anyone who has served in the last 3 boards. 

    We need new people and not these Catalan political cartels.

  7. Aaaaaand the vultures are here. Farre, Freixa are what is wrong with the club. Bunch of bums who shouldnt even be allowed to set foot near the club.

  8. we hate what he does but we are mature to realise there is no real option at present.

  9. I swear some fans have goldfish memory if they think this would be a good move. Laporta has to undo years of deficit caused by Bartomeu which often translates into questionable decisions by the board, remember that he saved the club in 2003. Everyone expecting Barcelona to reach 2009-2015 levels of success nowadays needs a reality check.

    Opportunistic vultures like Farre are just trying to stir the pot to take over and steal the club blind. The fanbase needs to chill with the Laporta hate because right now no one else is up to the task of managing our current situation.

  10. LOL the funny thing is that nobody said such things about Rosell and Bartomeu and look where they led us.

    Laporta is doing very well, given the harsh financial situation of the club that he had to face. He is not perfect, but who is?

  11. Where is all the socios they need to do something about it cause they have power if socios want to save the club early cause last time when we ain’t hurry up the result is we lost our Greatest player so if we don’t wanna ruin our club Second time our socios need to step up and take serious action against Barça management , Laporta, Deco and all things .plz

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