Not all MAGA are fascists

Not all MAGA are fascists

Posted by magnus007

  1. Also, aligning yourself with a political party that doesn’t denounce fascism at its best, and welcomes it at its worst, makes you a fascist-by-proxy… which is the same thing as being a fascist yourself. Ergo, all of them are in fact fascists.

  2. If someone is sitting down eating a meal with 4 Nazis, there are 5 Nazis at that table.

  3. You can just say “Republicans”. It’s 2024, there’s no such thing as a non-MAGA republican anymore.

  4. Trump has managed to turn the Republican party to MAGA Republicans that welcome Nazi’s and white supremacists.

  5. Same logic is employed by the guy who pumps my septic tank when he’s teased for being “a shit pumper.” “Nope, there’s corn in this shit.”

  6. I wonder how conservatives feel about the fact that most of their beliefs are applauded by some of the worst bigots on the planet.

    Like… how do you reconcile that and think you’re still a good person?

  7. In response to my friend swearing that opposition to Obama wasn’t all racism: I never said all Republicans are racists, what I said was all racists are Republicans – I know because they all keep saying so publicly, and quite a few candidates have little problem accepting endorsements from the likes of David Duke.

    It was a while ago, but my thoughts on the subject have never changed.

  8. I see no sense or worth in splitting hairs between “is a fascist” and “votes for fascists”. They’re both just fascists, in my eyes.

  9. I agree with your point. ‘Vast majority’ is probably more accurate and fairer.

  10. The painful irony is that so many of these assholes that want to be Nazis so bad are the ones the Nazi party would not have accepted and might actually have eliminated.

  11. I’m sure Hitler would be thrilled to see that peak human specimen titty-flash his party’s symbol.

  12. That nipple is so hawt but shouldn’t this be marked NSFW since MAGA love men’s nipples?

  13. No. they’re all fascists.

    Anyone that votes for that fat traitor is exactly what we think they are: some version of this guy.

  14. “I’m not saying that all republicans are racist, but I am saying: if you’re racist, boy have I got a party for you” -bill maher

  15. MAGA is American fascism. Trump voters who aren’t invested in the cult are the ones who aren’t all fascists, but everyone who is part of the MAGA cult is a fascist.

  16. Not all MAGA are Nazis, but all Nazis are MAGA.

    The Venn diagram is concentric circles…

  17. At this point, all MAGAs are fascists. There’s been enough evidence that if you are still supporting that, you are, in fact, a fascist.

  18. I disagree. All MAGA ARE facists. They are, literally, supporting a man that wants to install himself as a facist dictator. They support a facist regime, straight up, no ambiguity.


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