Shouldn’t Trump release his latest tax returns right about now? Vice President Kamala Harris released her tax returns. Shouldn’t Donald Trump do the same? Even if we know the answer, shouldn’t he at least be asked?

Shouldn’t Trump release his latest tax returns right about now? Vice President Kamala Harris released her tax returns. Shouldn’t Donald Trump do the same? Even if we know the answer, shouldn’t he at least be asked?

Posted by wonderingsocrates

  1. The refusal of Donald Trump to release his income taxes can be seen as an act of profound cowardice, particularly for someone who frequently boasts of his wealth and business acumen. Transparency is a cornerstone of trust, especially for public figures, and his persistent evasion raises serious questions about what he might be hiding. Whether it’s undisclosed financial ties, questionable deductions, or simply a desire to avoid scrutiny, his reluctance suggests a fear of revealing truths that could undermine his carefully constructed image. In a democracy, leaders should be held to the highest standards of accountability, and by withholding this critical information, Trump not only betrays the public’s trust but also diminishes the integrity of the office he once held.

  2. I’m sure they are still being audited, and he will release the as soon as that is over.

  3. Aren’t we still waiting for his from 8 years ago?

    We all know why – bitch is broke. Also he’s committed fraud many times – 100% he is also committing tax evasion. Maybe they can pull a Capone and get him for that, because apparently, all his other crimes are a-okay.

  4. Trump doesn’t take questions, and you can’t see his tax records, because you’d have a whole lotta questions.

  5. He can’t. As soon as the truth is exposed, his ridiculous empire of lies gets deflated.

  6. I will never forgive our government and media for letting this this “person” get away with all his BS!

  7. Trump would release his tax returns but the dog ate them ohh wait that was Melania.

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