The absurdity of calling Kamala Harris a commie

The absurdity of calling Kamala Harris a commie

Posted by GloomyTraffic6700

  1. I wish democratic policies were as extreme as the gop makes them out to be lol. In reality she’s just less conservative then trump

  2. The GOP love to try and stick labels on people and pigeon hole them into a “word”. People like Mad Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Beetlejuice Boebert have no clue what these terms mean.

  3. Laughing at them for ridiculous remarks is the perfect reaction to their nonsense. It makes them mad because they are being serious dammit. And it makes them insecure. Sometimes enough to leave LOL

  4. It is not misogynistic to think that ANY presidential candidate should talk to the press about policies prior to the election.

  5. I’m not American, but this kind of labelling is kind of reassuring to me, because I don’t think it would resonate with anyone under about 60 at best. Is fear of communism still a trope in America?

    Editing to add, that in the name of full disclosure, I vote to the left, but I’m no fan of “communism” and I think that the horse shoe in “horeseshoe” theory is more like a circle.

  6. She’s a “commie”….that’s why Don the Con gave her checks for $5K for her attorney general campaign….

  7. The weirdness of the pumpking fuehrer DonOld calling someone a commie with him being in Putins pocket.

  8. No she is a fascist candidate. She was anointed by corporations and rich donors that purposely subverted the election process. If you think otherwise you’re mentally compromised. I’ll still vote for her over Trump but pretending this is real democracy is insane

  9. Commie is just the older woke. Simply means anything they don’t like. The actual definitions are meaningless, it’s the feelings that matter to the “fuck your feelings crowd”.

  10. The US is such a capitalist/right leaning country that they think that what would be considered a moderate centrists/left is a “communist”.

  11. She’s the communist?? Trump is the one so far up Putin’s backside that he can taste what Putin had for breakfast yesterday

  12. To these people socialism = communism and it’s so ridiculous like pick up a fucking book

  13. It is just as absurd to call Trump a racist or fascist. But that’s politics. You get extremists on both sides. What’s fact is Harris wants a bigger and stronger federal government with oversight over state’s rights. Trump wants smaller federal government with fewer laws and regulations. Call it what you will.

  14. Trump cultists consider anything left of scum sucking subservient maga cultist to be communist so it’s a badge of honor 

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