Wait, she WANTS the mics ON? That can’t be good.

Wait, she WANTS the mics ON? That can’t be good.

Posted by Atticus_Flinch_Esq

  1. It’s weird that the Trump team is arguing to allow muting, but that’s none of my business.

  2. It’s probably a win-win for Kamala either way. Either the mics gets cut and she’s able to articulate her platform without interruption while trump only rambles nonsense and non-answers or the mics are open and Trump continues to look like an unserious, demented lunatic.

    Or he drops out and looks like a huge pussy. There’s really no way for Kamala to lose here.

  3. Truthfully, I think Trump’s own team fear everything he says and does because none of it makes him look fit for the job. He doesn’t even seem capable of ‘faking it until he makes it’ any more.

  4. Who in their right mind thinks even if the deck was stacked against Harris in every way imaginable, she wouldn’t stomp him into the ground with this debate?

    They could hold it on Fox, in Mar-a-lago, with Tucker Carlson moderating asking Trump the softest of softball questions while openly being hostile to her, and she’d STILL knock his dick into the dirt.

    We all know what’s going to happen, even MAGA knows, they’re just in denial. She’s gonna drag your boy, publicly, without mercy and there’s nothing anyone can do it about it.

  5. No time for Trump to attempt to time his shits in the impossible attempt to try and hide the fact he is constantly shitting himself.

  6. She has practice dealing with people like Trump her whole life. She knows how to shut them down; gently, like the DNC protesters, or fiercely, like in the Senate.

    She wants to put him in his place on national television for all to see. I really hope they get open mics just for that reason.

  7. TBH, I think that’s what saved trump during the debate with Biden, the mic cut off.

    trump did spout a lot of bullshit, but compared to the last one he had with Biden, where he interrupted Biden a lot more, this saved him a little bit.

    Now that the mics will be on all the time, he won’t be able to help himself from interrupting Harris more, and it will be glorious when she destroys him.

  8. The proper response is:

    “I took an oath which demands that I that I defend the nation and the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. In keeping with that oath, I refuse to dignify the efforts of a convicted felon, insurrectionist, prolific grifter and aspiring fascist by sharing the stage with him in a political debate.”

  9. fox and the GQP are going insane how to spin that on trumps favor but we all know the chicken shit weirdo is gonna chicken out…… bone spur at the back of his throat maybe?

  10. This is a dumb move. He’s just going to yell over her. And all his illiterate hick followers will say he’s just showing strength

  11. Yeah, that’s an odd thing given how the Giant Orange Whiny Toddler talks over everyone else.

    Her team must have put together a dozen or so razor sharp comebacks for when he does that.

    I can’t fucking wait to watch her verbally cut him off at the knees!

  12. Playing the narcissist against his handlers is a gold tier strategy.

    There is nothing the weird old coward loves more than the sound of his own word salad.

  13. So she can do her “I’m talking now” line on him, on live tv, in front of the nation.

    **DO IT!**

  14. Every time Trump talks over her at the debate, he loses another female vote. Nobody is more conscious of that kind of disrespect than a women.

    He might gain a few neck-beard votes, but they’d have to get Mom to drive them to the voting location first, so it’s not much of a risk.

  15. When there was open mics Biden had his viral “will you shut up man” moment something we all have wanted to say to Trump.

  16. If there’s a better than 10% chance he drops the N word during that debate, I’d want that on the hot mics too.

  17. You need to realize… I’m not locked in here with you… You are locked in here with me!

  18. She’s betting on him saying something stupid and offensive once he thinks he’s off mic. Which is roughly equivalent to betting it will be a sunny and dry day in The Sahara.

  19. She only requested HIS mic be kept on haha. Just think how much faith she has in him being an idiot

  20. Yes!!! Let’s leave the mics on so Trump can sweat and squirm the whole time and Kamala can do a most worthy mic drop at the end. ☺️

  21. When your enemy is making mistakes, don’t stop them. Let him talk. Leave the faucet on, plug the drains, and leave the house.

  22. Mics on means debate will descend into a shouting match with both talking over the other. Nothing will be accomplished. She can still debunk him with mics off.

  23. She knows he doesn’t possess the ability to shut the fuck up and will talk his way into some more shit if given the chance, he’ll probably say something really stupid when he gets the personal attacks

  24. Ahahaha he is toast. He can call her laughing Kamala all he likes, but we know damn well when the two of them get into that room, she is going to eviscerate that man.

  25. Because the more he talks, the dumber and more unhinged he sounds, and the more unpopular he becomes with moderates and independents.

  26. The mic needs to be on to hear the major sleep farts Donny will be releasing. There is a reason everyone calls him Donny dumps

  27. Mics off makes him look so much better it’s crazy. He can’t be a big stupid interrupting jackass the entire debate, making himself look like a child with no impulse control. With the mics off he comes across as very normal, and dare I say “strong” because he is forced to wait his turn and then deliver his message.

    Mics on is much more honest. He can’t help himself. He will be a buffoon and it will play to her favor.

  28. I would love it if every time he lies she just leans in and quietly says “That’s a lie”. He would freak out in like 30 seconds.

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