Varying legal opinions.” Just another way to say ” I am wrong but am going to say this anyway, because I want to be right.

“Varying legal opinions.” Just another way to say ” I am wrong but am going to say this anyway, because I want to be right.”

Posted by mmccxi

  1. If there are varying legal opinions, I find it interesting she fails to name any of them.

    (Kidding: she’s openly gaslighting)

  2. Ah Jesus Christ. They’re going to do Obama birth certificate type bullshit again? I guess if you don’t have simple intelligence, then a lack of shame is what you left with.

  3. The first NINE presidents weren’t even born in “The United States of America”.

    How’s THAT float your boat, bitch?

  4. There are indeed varying legal opinions on this. Reasonable ones that read the text of the Amendment and the relevant case law, and flaming piles of blatantly stupid and racist bullshit ones that use The Scalia-Alito Magic Sharpie™️ to reach the fash result they want.

    The problem is…if SCOTUS adopts one of the latter…then it’s the law. And they have been doing that a lot lately.

  5. This will be known as the Obama Part 2 bullshit that Neo-Cons will WHINE about for the next EIGHT YEARS of Pres. Harris’ terms.

  6. False, false, true and irrelevant, and doesn’t matter.

    This is the rambling of a day-drinking racist has-been.

  7. The constitution clearly says born on US soil. Makes no mention of parentage.

    14th amendment Section 1:

    **All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.** No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    [14th Amendment – Citizenship Rights, Equal Protection, Apportionment, Civil War Debt | Constitution Center](

  8. “I am wrong but am going to say this anyway because enough racists will agree to the point where i sound right.”

  9. There are correct legal opinions and there are racist wankers who think they have a ‘legal opinion’

    Guess which group Taylor belongs to

  10. Hey look, it’s the “Jesus Guns Babies” lady, who thought an election where she received 3% of the vote was rigged against her.

  11. In the infallible wisdom of the founding fathers, they failed to clearly define the phrase “natural born citizen.” It has also never specifically been interpreted in the Supreme Court or defined by statute.

    I think the most common interpretation is that it means you were born a US citizen as opposed to naturalized as one. Another common interpretation is that you were born a citizen *in the United States*.

    I think the former is more reasonable. It includes the broadest portion of the population as eligible to run.

    The supposed reason to have such a qualification is that people who were not born citizens are potentially not as loyal as born citizens. That is likely unreasonable and naturalized citizens have often been shown to be *more* patriotic and loyal than many born citizens. For example, naturalized citizens are more likely to vote consistently. However, it is in the Constitution, so we’d have to amend it to get rid of that requirement.

  12. According to her, neither of my parents were US citizens, as both sets of their parents came over from Poland in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. And since my parents wouldn’t be citizens does that make me a noncitizen?

  13. Jus soli and jus sanguinus are a bedrock of our legal heritage. Anyone who questions this is disingenuous.

  14. Glad she put the lipstick around her lips for her profile pic so that it’s clear to everyone she a fuckin clown.

  15. Anyone want to explain “birth tourism” to her? Yeah, me neither. Can’t fix willful ignorance.

  16. I don’t understand why she wants to send Malania and Barron Trump back to Transylvania, but I’m not going to stand in her way.

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